2| Castle on the Hill

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Estella finished packing the last of her books and placed them neatly in her suitcase

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Estella finished packing the last of her books and placed them neatly in her suitcase. It was September 1st and Estella was doing the last of her packing before she left the house for the school year.

Estella still had very bittersweet thoughts about living at Hogwarts. For one, she had never lived away from her parents for longer than a few sleepovers at her friends' houses and as far as she knew, there was no easy way to get back home.

On the other hand, this could be a good opportunity to start fresh. Hogwarts was a new place. No one knew her or Hermione. This could be her chance to finally shine outside the shadow of Hermione's brilliance.

Estella still felt guilty every time she thought of outshining Hermione. It embarrassed her just how badly she wanted to be smarter than her. It was wrong but the feeling was inescapable.

A sharp hoot broke through her thoughts and she turned her head to see a tawny owl with black and brown speckled white feathers. Estella had gotten her as an early birthday present from her parents(Hermione had gotten books) and had named her Alora.

Estella grabbed an owl treat from the pack she had gotten at Eeylops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. She opened the cage and fed Alora a treat, stroking the soft feathers down her back.

"Are you ready dear?" A frazzled Mrs Granger appeared in the doorway, her eyes darting down the corridor.

Estella nodded and lept off of her bed, getting to her feet.

"Wonderful," said Mrs Granger who eyed the things Estella had packed for Hogwarts which included her suitcase which held her books and school supplies, her guitar and Alora. "I'll get your dad to help you carry everything to the car."

Twenty minutes later, the family arrived at Kings Cross Station, their trolley laden with suitcases and Estella's owl and guitar. They wheeled over to the wall in between Platforms 9 and 10.

Estella eyed the wall apprehensively. It looked very solid to her and she didn't fancy the idea of ending up in the hospital for charging at a brick wall. Nevertheless, Professor McGonagall had told them how to get to the Hogwarts Express and none of her other information had been wrong so far.

"Oh dear," Mrs Granger said nervously. "I suppose we just...run at it?"

"It seems so," said Mr Granger, his knuckles whitening on the trolley handle. "You and the girls should go first and then I'll come over with the trolley."

He had an extremely serious expression on his face that Estella would've laughed at had it not been her who had to run through the wall in question.

"Here goes nothing." Estella took her twin's hand and Hermione laced her fingers with hers. Estella's other hand reached for her mum who took it apprehensively. "See you on the other side dad."

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