Chapter Thirty-Five

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I lay silently on my bed in the hotel room. It had been three days since the incident with Matt, and I thought I'd feel better by now. Instead, it felt as if someone had torn my heart out of my chest and framed it for the world to see. Photos of me and Matt's interaction at the post-race ceremony were plastered all over social media, with thousands of fans speculating about our breakup. We weren't even close to each other in the images, but apparently, our body language was enough evidence of our parting.

I was allowed to stay in Abu Dhabi until the team flew home for their break. That meant I had two more days to get my shit together and decide what I was going to do.

I could either go back to New Zealand for Christmas and meet up with Astro Racing in the new year, or I could stay over this side of the world and explore a bit more. The latter being the lonely, but most freeing option.

I felt my phone buzz under the pillow. It was probably Matt's twentieth text message. He'd spammed my phone over these past few days, begging for me to listen to him.

Part of me wanted to talk to him as well. Because no matter how much he'd hurt me, I missed him. And I missed the way he made me feel comforted and calm.

But a bigger part of me was worried that this would be the beginning of something worse. Something heartbreaking and sinister. Sam made me feel great in the first month too, but then it all stopped. Still, I had to remind myself that Matthias had been making me feel great for a much longer period in comparison.

I decided to check my phone after a minute of contemplation, and to my surprise, it wasn't Matt.

Romain: Kia ora (I hope that's the correct greeting in Māori, Rosa googled for me), would you like to go for a walk with me and Rosa and let out your anger? I can sense you have a lot.

I laughed. I really didn't want to leave the hotel room, but a walk and fresh air was definitely needed. And Romain was an energy that brightened up anyone's day.

Me: Yes, please. Meet in the lobby in twenty?

Romain: Sounds great. We'll see you soon.

I didn't share too much of what had happened with Romain and Rosa, mainly because I didn't want to bring anyone else into my business. But they were very persistent in trying to make me feel better.

"Are you looking forward to working with Astro Racing next year?" Rosa asked, before taking a sip of her iced tea.

I nodded. "I sure am. You know I still love the racing environment so I think it would be silly to give it up entirely."

"How did Matthias take it?" Romain asked.

So he didn't know that we'd fought. He must've just assumed I was mad at the team for using me to talk to Matt during the race—which I was still fuming about.

"I don't know," I said quietly. "I think it's done between us, and not just our working relationship."

Matthias and Rosa swivelled their heads in shock.

"Oh sweetie," Rosa said as she placed a hand behind my back.

I turned to smile at her, repeatedly nodding as I tried to shake away my tears.

"So you haven't spoken since Sunday?" Romain asked.


Romain let out a sigh. "That explains his mood yesterday. I mean, he already has a permanent attitude, but he was so dull yesterday. It was like he was numb."

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