Chapter Thirteen

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"Shit," I muttered as my bike skidded along the gravel road. I quietly regained my composure, holding the handles tightly as I picked up my pace to match Matthias'.

When he mentioned that he wanted to cycle for our cardio session today, I looked at him like he'd just won Britain's Got Talent as a comedian. But he was adamant about going. Apparently, he'd learned how to cycle with one hand a few years ago when he sprained his other hand. I had to admit, it was extremely embarrassing that I was both unfit to ride over fifty kilometres and slower on a bike while using two hands.

"Fuck's sake, are you bad at anything?" I cried.

Matthias turned back, flashing me a small smile as he continued up the hill.

I shook my head before switching gears and pushing my legs to their max. I eventually caught up to him, turning my head as I attempted to distract myself with small talk. Matthias and I had a great time a few nights ago but it was all too close for my liking. I had to keep telling myself that it was necessary for our working relationship. But I was struggling to justify the part where I had to talk about myself.

"Forget all of the other training, if that hand was better, you'd be fit to race tomorrow," I chuckled. I figured a light-hearted joke that fuelled his already-inflated ego would ensure this affair remained platonic.

Matt's face dropped, his frown evidence of his distaste. "Trust me, I want to be racing tomorrow."

I regretted my words. I'd known the topic was a sore spot, but I hadn't realised how much. I guess it was always too soon to make a joke about something that wasn't over yet.

"I'm sorry," I began. "That was unnecessary from me."

Matthias nodded. "Yeah." And then he continued riding on. I sighed, shaking my head as I continued to go up the hill. The clouds were starting to make way for the rising sun, and a gentle breeze tickled the edges of my skin. I'd never cycled like this before. Back at home, Dad and I would occasionally go mountain biking on the hills, but that was always filled with the adrenaline rush. This was completely different. It was calming—when I didn't think about the moody man a few metres ahead of me.

I understood why Matthias was the way he was. I mean, I wasn't going to magically have a happy man in my presence after a few deep and meaningful conversations...but I was determined to break through the ice a little more.

We reached the top after an hour. I breathed in the crisp air as we took sight of the Alps ahead, their peaks touching the sky in shades of white and blue. Below, dark valleys and meadows lay in the embrace of the mountains, adorned with wildflowers and lush green grass.

"This is unreal," I sighed. I'd visited all the beautiful attractions of nature back home, but this was a painting. An illusion, even.

Matthias stood beside me, his frustration radiating off him like a heatwave. It was a stark contrast to the tranquil environment ahead of us.

"I know you're annoyed but it's not going to be like this forever," I said, still staring forward. "It will get better."

Matt scoffed. "It's not like I don't know that." He shifted a few steps forward. "I just can't be fucked standing around with a stupid headset on while everyone else has the time of their lives competing for the title."

I probably reminded him about everything with my comment earlier. My bad.

"It's like I'm a bloody reserve driver," he continued. "God, it's embarrassing."

I'd hit a wall. I didn't really know what I could say to bring him out of this one. For now, we just needed to stand and stare out into the world. I took in a deep breath, grounding myself as I tried to describe the earthy scents flowing with the breeze.

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