Chapter Two

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I managed to get lost three times. THREE TIMES. Despite having clear instructions about how to get to Bahrain—and once I was in said country, how to get to the circuit—I got lost.

"Excuse me," I said as I tapped a young man on the shoulders.

The man turned around with confusion on his face, but his gaze softened when he realised I truly was a lost spectator.

"Hey. Hi, um sorry, could please point me in the direction of the De Rossi Racing motorhome?" I held up my badge so he didn't think I was a crazy fan who was trying to break in to see her favourite drivers.

"I'm the new performance coach for Matthias van der Burg. I was told to meet the team here before pre-season began?"

The man laughed, flashing me a smile that was brighter than my own future. "Well, you've come to the right place." His Australian accent reminded me of the Home and Away episodes I watched growing up. "Come on, I'll take you there."

I followed him down the empty strip. I imagined it was a road that would get extremely busy once reporters and fans were allowed to grace it. For now, I needed to enjoy the tranquillity it brought.

"I'm Theo by the way. And don't feel shy about being new. I was just as confused during my first season here too."

So he was a driver. I should've guessed by the way his shirt quite literally said Santoro Renault on it.

I laughed. It had only been a minute and I was already mingling with the opposition. I figured it was fine.

"Shit, you must be itching to get on the track?" I said, showing a little too much excitement.

Theo nodded. "Been dreaming about it since I came third last year."

"Subtle flex," I laughed.

He winked. "What can I say?"

I giggled again. Nothing made me more entertained than twenty drivers who were all arrogant because they were the best of the best. I had a feeling I'd have my work cut out for me, especially as I was dealing with a two-time world champion.

"Well, this is it," Theo said, stopping in front of a maroon building with a large De Rossi Racing logo over the door.

"Thanks. I guess I'll see you around?" I said, smiling.

Theo gave me another wink before saying, "I hope so."

I laughed as I turned around and opened the door. This was going to be a fun year.

"Francesca McKenzie," Nico said as I entered the motorhome. "Thank you for flying over here on such short notice." He shook my hand with confidence and directed me over to his office.

"Thank you for the job," I joked.

Nico Morelli was a tall man, probably six foot three...with perfectly styled black hair, tanned skin and gorgeous teeth. A quick Google search on the flight over told me he was fifty-two, but boy he could pass as forty.

"We see great potential in you, and we think you're the perfect match for Matthias." He relaxed into his seat while his assistant poured me a glass of water. "I won't lie, this won't be an easy job."

I knew that. I'd seen videos of Matthias. His frustration after he lost the world championship was evident, even in the photos taken weeks after it had ended.

"Your job is to get him back on track. We're all worried his confidence has been knocked after last season, but we also know he's capable of winning a championship again. I mean, he's done it twice already."

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