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I take a seat on the bench beside his hoodies he neatly placed, and watched him walk towards the skate park. He steps onto his board and without thinking he speeds up. 

I sit back and adore him.

I watch every movement- seeing him do all of these tricks impressed me. 

He turns to me and waves to me signalling me to come to him. I get up and walk over to him.

"what" I smile moving closer to him. 

"get on" he says.


"ill teach you some things. You look pretty bored down there, so get on." he insisted. 

"nah, ill fall" 

"you won't" he says taking a hold of my hand, "your so cold Bella-" he says holding onto both of my hands now. "wait here".

he lets go of my hands-sigh.

He runs to the bench and picks up a hoodie and jogs back in my direction. 

he passes me the hoodie, "here, put it on"

"Im alright Antonio-really, im not cold" I try and convince him.

"your lying." he speaks shoving the hoodie into my arms. 

I put in on.

"happy????" I tease him.

"very" he smirks and grabs my hand.

I get up on the board (with both of my legs cuz idk what im doing).

A grab onto his shoulders trying to balance myself. I feel his tense muscles underneath his tshirt, which is slightly tight. Even though im standing on the skateboard, he's still taller than me. 

"what do I do now" I say forcing out a laugh out of him.

"push off the group with one leg" he says.

I let go of this shoulders and place my hand in his. I place my left leg and the group and gently push off.

I barely move

"I give up" I yell out and step off the board.

"you can't just do that" he laughs.

"you make this look easy, ill just sit here and watch" I take a seat on the ground with my arms around my knees. 

"if you say so...but you will get bored" he says crossing his arms.

for the next 10 minutes, he just skates around and I just watch him, occasionally going on my phone. Eventually, I do get pretty bored so i get up and walk over to him.

"got bored?" he says when he sees me by him.


"wrong lied"

I smile.

"I wasn't lying, the ground was a little cold, that's it"

"righttt." he laughs, "sit here" he says pointing at the board.

"passs" I say jokingly.

"come on, were going to be sliding down the hills."

"hmm...risky, what if I fall"

"you won't"

"alright then...go first"

he picks up the board, runs up the hill, places the board on the edge and sits on it with his knees infront of him. I stay at the bottom and see him slide down.

I laugh as he goes down


"alright but come up with me"

we both get up on the hill and he positions the board on the edge. I sit on the board as he did before but when I look down my stomach turns.

' not going down." I say as I look back at him.

"I promise it's not that bad I do it all the time....youll love it"

"not to ruin the fun, not doing this" I say in a laughing manner.

"come on.......ill do it with you"

I smile, "howww"

"let me get on the back. But ill only do it if you actually stay on the board"

"let me consider" I say and turn around from him whilst laughing- to which he is too.

I turn back round, "request accepted" I joke around whilst shuffling towards the very front of the board.

"how are you going to fit?"

"just move to the very end, I've done this with my cousin before"

"OHHHH so your a pro??"

"something like that"

He sits behind me on the board as I sit between his legs (AHHHH). I could feel his warm breath creeping on my back.

"okay....3.....2-" and at that second he quickly wraps his arms around me securing me in place giving me no space to stop him, "-1!!"

He pushes off.

Not gonna lie, the whole things was kinda anticlimactic.....I quickly realised how small the hill was and how much I was overreacting. Once we reach the bottom our laughs get louder. I shortly notice his arms still wrapped around me but I think he notices too as he removes them swiftly. 

"see it wasn't that bad was it"

I look at him with a grin on my face, "yeah....wasn't bad at all" I say- kind of embarrassed by my near enough tantrum I had before going down. 

we both get off the skateboard and he checks the time.

"damn, its 7, should we leave?"

"yeah, I should get going home"

"do you want me to drop you off at yours, we just have to walk back to my house."

"nah its okay, Im going to call my mum to pick me up" I answer.

"okay cool." he says as he gets closer to me.

"fun day today huh" I say teasing him a little.

"I would say traumatic for you" he says back to me nudging my shoulder gently. 

I pull a " :/ " face.

" all jokes aside, I really enjoyed this day" I smile at him

"yeah it was fun. Enjoyed my tricks?" he questioned with a smirk.

"very" I whisper.

I then call my mum and 6 minutes later, she arrives. I say bye to Antonio and he walks off as I get in the car.

Author's note:

PLSSS DONT KILL ME. IK ITS BEEN LIKE OVER A WEEK.....IM SORRY. I started ski again last week and ever since then I had like no time or motivation to write. BUT I forced my myself to write something cuz I knew that I can't just leave it. 

SOOOOO because of my whole school thing, im going to say that I'll try and post once a week. I might write more than that, or I might take some weeks depends. BUT hopefully I'll write as often s I can cuz I want to finish this book quickly so that allot of you can read it in one piece. 

If you haven't answered already: do you want me to write in multiple POV's, like Bella and Antonio, or just Bella???


 Love you guys lotsssss byeeee

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