Dead or alive?

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The next day began with me waking up and going straight to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. As I wait for my straightener to heat up I start to think about the party. What was I supposed to wear? Should I make it a theme?? I start to think of themes:

one colour, the 70's, the 90's- 

"oooo" I shout out loud. 

Why don't I do it as a Halloween party as it's coming up soon. That way people can come dressed in whatever they want. I like this idea. I then continue doing my hair followed my doing my makeup. As usual, I walk over to my wardrobe and pick an outfit for the day.

 As usual, I walk over to my wardrobe and pick an outfit for the day

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'perfect' I mutter as I look at my reflection.

time skip

When I got to class I didn't know what to do. All the school days this week are a half-day, used for settling in the uni environment. Everyone used this as an excuse to talk to their friends. Clara and the others weren't in class so I just sat alone. To waste some time I decided to carry on reading my book.

"your still reading that book?"

I recognise that voice.

" you fell asleep to it last time, must be shit."

Its Antonio.

"well I've got nothing else to do" I respond looking up at him.

"you could talk to me. " he pauses and sits besides me. "any upcoming events?"

"nah" I respond.

"not even a house party?"

I pause.

He pauses-

I look at him. Good Lord those eyes were beautiful.

"I guess im not invited-" 

"NO" I scream. fuck why did I do that

"I mean, yes, yes you are invited. I want you to come.. I mean if you'd like to." I add on. 

he laughs. I could melt right there.

"yeah ill come, where is it taking place." he asks with a smile.

"my place" I respond, smiling back at him. 

"yes, I know that...wheres your house"

Oh now I feel stupid.

"oh sorry" I say as my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "pass me your phone" I say.

He passes me his phone. I type my number into his contacts. 

"ill send you the details" I say handing back his phone, "make sure to tell your friends!".

"alright, see you soon Bella" he says as he stands up and walks back to his seat with his friends.

I wave to him as he walks away. And then I get hit with a feeling...a feeling of loneliness. 

The bell for break time rings and I go to the bench where is saw the girls yesterday. No one was there so I just sat alone. But, after 10 minutes I see a familiar group of girls coming my way.

"omg bellaaaaa" one of them says as they approach the bench.

"hey, where were you guys." I ask them.

"we didn't want to come in the morning, its a bit boring you know" Clara says.

"ah yeah" I say.

"Anyways, I've got updates on my party." I say changing the topic. "It going to be a Halloween party so come dressed up."

"ooo how exciting" they say.

For the next few minutes I exchange numbers with each girl and get added to the group chat. There, I text them my address and other details. 

time skip

Friday is tomorrow. The last couple of days involved me ordering my outfit online and shopping for food, drinks and decorations. For a girl who's never had anyone come over to their house, im doing pretty well with organising this party. The hardest thing was convincing my mum into thinking this is a good idea. She thinks the house will get destroyed, and we wished for a house like this, so it getting completely ruined would be seen as disgraceful in her eyes. But, after some time, I finally got here to allow me throw this party. 

As soon as i got home, I unpacked the large amazon delivery boxes pilled at the front door. I took out all the decorations out and started to put them around the house. I first put some automatic zombies in the front yard and covered the trees in fake spider webs. I plugged in the spoke machine at the front door and hung some fake spiders from the ceiling. 

Now, im upstairs in my room trying on my outfit. I didn't know what to dress up as but it was between two options: a police officer or Emily from the Corpse Bride. I quickly decided that being a police officer is too common and it's a bit boring so I chose to be Emily. I ordered some pieces of the outfit from Amazon along with some face paint. I try the outfit on and look at myself in the mirror.

'Not too bad.' I think to myself.

(obviously pretend she's only trying on the outfit not the face paint here

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(obviously pretend she's only trying on the outfit not the face paint here.)

(but this will be the overall look for the actual party).

I finish off all the other things I had to do like tidy the house, organise the pantry and set up any other decoration. And at 1 am I finally put myself sleep.

Author's note:

OOOO someone appeared againnnn *wink wink*. How do you think the party's gonna go??

This is a shorter chapter than usual (honestly thank me because I was planning on writing more but I shortened it and decided to write about it in the next chapter). Other than that, are you guys enjoying the book. IKKKKK this is going a bit slow, SORRYYY. BUT it's gonna get good hopefully next chapterrr. Who's excited???? MEEEE.

Im open to any suggestions.

Love you guyssss

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