flipped around

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Today will be a normal day....or so my mum says. It's been exactly 9 weeks since my dad has passed away and todays the first of uni.  Kind of a weird feeling to be honest, a part of me is super happy I'm finally living my life, and the other half, well, scrap that, the other half is also super happy I'm living life. My dad used to be a lorry driver, spending days away from home and then coming back for one night then would go back to work the next morning, leaving the money he earned for us, It was a minimum wage job. My mum didn't work so we only had my dads small income, hoping it would be enough until the next pay check. 

I used to have to scrape the last of the  Nutella clinging inside the jar knowing that we can't afford another jar. I used to have to sell my old clothes infront of my house to make some small side money, hoping it would be enough to buy my mum a Christmas present. I used to have to wear 5 pairs of sock on top of each other to keep me warm enough during the winter so that the heating bill wouldn't be so high.    Except I didn't.   I didn't have to scrape the last bit of Nutella, or sell my clothes, or wear a ridiculous amount of socks, i didnt have to do any of that. 

The morning of the 24th of July, I was sitting at the dinner table when my mum received a phone call. A man was on the phone, he was saying things like "inherited" "husband" "money". 

" I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number, this is Claire your talking to" my mum says, silence shortly follows.

"what do you mean he's passed aw-"

I drop my fork and turn my head towards my mum, staring at her.I already knew who she was talking about- my dad. she links her eyes with mine but still continues talking. I continue to hear the conversation, but the crisp words slowly turn to muffled sounds. 

" I'm sorry, is still think is a mistake. Yes, my husbands name is Chris, but no, he doesn't own a tech business, he's a lorry driver." my mum speaks. " yes, Chri- Chris Hamilton" she continues. "okay thank you". she ends the call and places her phone on the phone. She grips the chair and slowly takes a seat. The next couple of minutes was just silence, kinda awkward ngl. At that point I didn't really know what was going on but I kinda pu the two and two together. 

"were rich" my mum blurts out.

"wha-what how why...WHAT HAPPENED" I respond, hoping for an explanation.

" dads been lying." she says with a straight face. "he was never a lorry driver, he owned a tech company. Those days we would leave us for work wasn't for truck driving, he had to travel to Dallas for his company. What he gave us, was just pennies to him."

The news of the inheritance hit harder than the news of his death cuz I was never close with my dad. he would leave us all the time, only came back fro one night, we never went out as a family. In reality, he was just a. guest staying at our house occasionally. 

So yeah, 24th July, was the day my life flipped around.

Present time:

Everything changed so quickly. Not long after receiving the inheritance, me and mum moved from London to the outskirts. We bought a huge house with plenty of land. I bought things I only dreamed about. Tomorrow is the first day of uni. I never even planned of going uni we couldn't afford it. But now.....you know, I kinda got money for anything. Picking a uni course wasn't tricky, as a child I always dreamed of being a detective or work in the crime industry...so naturally...I picked criminal law. 

Ive only attended public school until my GCSE's so I don't really have any friends. The only people I talk to is my mum...and occasionally her friends. Apart from that Im alone, I dont even have any siblings. 

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