13. Hurricane

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I know it's quite long for update. Actually I'm busy with festive work & my brother's wedding work. I know this one will short update. But next one will big bomb.

Next Day went smooth. It was cloudy day like it will rain now & then. Aditya waited whole day for Aryan's action but there was no movement from Aryan's side. Actually Aditya scared of Aryan, if he remember his past then he will definitely know his plan or what will happen today & he won't let that happen ever. But thanks to his luck & Sita Maiya's blessing that Aryan didn't remember his past. He can now carry out his plan properly.

And here Aryan was waiting for Aditya's movement. Because even his one move was going to cost him dearly. Already chandan informed him about Aditya's doing in Jungle yesterday.

In evening, Aditya came to Imlie's house to brought her with him in jungle. He make some excuse. He told her that he has some work research in jungle so he'd have to go. But as he is new to this place so it will difficult in return way. That's why he came to her as she is fully aware of jungle roots. She agreed to him and went with him.

As they reached in jungle it's already sunset. Cool breeze touched their body. Clouds gathered in sky. A shiver ran through Imlie's body. But Aditya knew what he is doing. As per Aditya's planning they reached near the place which he want to. The Hut where all drama started before is only few minutes away from them.

Suddenly started raining & also lightning. It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds. Imlie already scared enough. She scared of her own villagers, she scared to going in that hut, she scared to being caught with a man. Because it's rule in Pagdandiya if a boy & girl caught together then they have to marry each other otherwise villagers kill them.

She wanted to go back but he didn't pay hid to her talk and told her that when rain will stop they will definitely return and convince her to take shelter in that hut. Finally they went in that hut. First Imlie entered in hut but Aditya already tampered it's roof yesterday. So he pushed that roof with the help of stick which he arranged yesterday, so that roof will fall down in few seconds & he entered in hut behind Imlie. And exactly happened what he wanted. Roof fall down in few seconds after he entered in hut blocking the hut door. Now they are stuck in between the hut.

A pair of beast eyes watching from far Aditya's all actions angrily. He wanted to kill him. But he controlled his anger. He will wait for right time. Aryan called someone to asked if his work done or not. Then he went to his room.

Here Imlie is scared because the roof falling. She asked Aditya to call someone to help them but he lied that his phone have no charging left & kept his mobile off so no one will try to contact him. She restlessly tried to open the door but in vain. Because both of them will not be able to go out unless someone opens the door from outside. Just thinking about it made her feel scared more. And the storm added to her fears. But she had no choice but to wait.

Aditya is enjoying being with Imlie. He trying to calm her down. He acted as if he found something to eat. She saw some tubers-roots placed there. Then she glanced at the hut once, which she had not noticed in her panic for so long. She saw there a clay pot full of water, a match-box and dry wood sticks. She was surprised to see that pot & sweet potatoes. Because Although no one lived in this hut, food, water & match-box were kept there, as they knew in advance that some would be trapped here. But she did not say anything to Aditya about that. Aditya arranged yesterday all this. But unbeknownst to him, there was one more thing there. And that thing was kept there yesterday when Aditya left.

Here Aryan in his room sitting on the bed with the head resting on the headrest, earbuds on ears, legs straight, laptop on his legs. He is watching something, let me guess.... cctv footage inside the hut. YES. Chandan fitted small camera inside the hut with a audio device after Aditya left the hut yesterday. Aryan watching Aditya's every single action. He felt a lot of anger inside him. But The Aryan Singh Rathore is not someone whose anger easily overpowered him. He is living in full control of himself. And now he is controlling his rage to punch someone very hard on his face that a very punch will change the shape of his not so handsome face.

Aryan heard Aditya saying Imlie to sleep after eating the sweet potato. He will stay awake & look for help if he'll hear noise outside. Imlie awkwardly sat leaning against the wall & she fell asleep. Aditya also sleep close to the bonfire so he can feel the warmth.


Next morning Imlie wake up listening noises from outside. And she remembered last night she stuck here that to with Aditya. She saw Aditya already wake up but even after hearing so much noise, he is sitting calmly inside the hut waiting her to wake up. She told him that what the villagers could able to do. But Aditya calmly said that he will handle them. But Imlie literally shivers in fear.

Aryan also wake up before Imlie & Aditya as he is insomniac. He get ready. And waiting in his car a little away from the crowd where the trail inside jungle started & end the road for big vehicle. He parked his car their & call someone & tell to reach soon. Now he is waiting inside the car seeing cctv footage. He will wait untill Aditya & Imlie left the hut.

Here The roof lying in front of the hut was removed by villagers. They kept shouting to come out & We will not leave you alive. Imlie said to herself, 'Let's face the fate.' And she came out of the hut with Aditya. And here Aryan left his car by closing the footage screen. That hut is seven minutes away from him by walk. So he started walking in a hurry so that he would reach there in four minutes. So he is.

As Imlie came out of hut, she sees a whole village people in front of her with sticks and weapons in their hand. Villagers kept cursing Imlie & her Amma. But Aditya didn't even utter a single word. Because he want to marry Imlie at any cost. And he knew this will be result to Imlie & him get married. So he kept quiet. He thought that he'll win over The Aryan Singh Rathore. But he didn't know that Aryan Singh Rathore has victory in his name only. The villagers said that Imlie is not fit to live in the village. She is illegitimate child.

One villeger said,

"This girl is a stigma on this village. Either kill her or get these two married."

And that man ran over Imlie with long stick in his hand and about to hit Imlie & Imlie closed her eyes due to fear but that stick blocked by another stick and that stick was held by two strong hands. That hand pushed the man down loudly. And stood with a stick on the villagers. And it happened so fast that Imlie can't understand for few seconds. But then she slowly open her eyes & surprise to see site infront of her.

A man with mascular body stand besides her stick in his hand. And this is a very man every time surprise her with his strange behaviour. Yes. He is her Boss Babu now. The great Aryan Singh Rathore...

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To Be Continued...🌸

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