5. Unfold Part-1

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Next two days went well. The third day dawned. Aditya saw the entire village in these two days. And now Aditya had befriended Imlie so Imlie showed him the whole village. And also helped for Satyakam's interview. It was because of Imlie that Satyakam gave an interview to Aditya.

Meanwhile, the police had come to arrest Satyakam. But Aditya misleads the police and saves Satyakam from being arrested. So Imlie trusted Aditya even more. And that is exactly what Aditya wanted. The more Imlie would trust him, the better he would gain.

He felt that Imlie would come close to him. But destiny and Sita Maiya had something else in mind. There Aryan reached in Delhi.


Aditya was sitting on the bed in his room drinking coffee. It was raining in Pagdandiya. While drinking coffee, he was remembering how he woke up with the dream that day.


After the arrest of Purandas, truth came out that Arvind was innocent. Aditya publically apologies to Aryan & his family. Aditya had not gone to Australia. But Aditya's mind was still stuck in the factory when he heard the conversation between Aryan and Imlie when Purandas was taken away by the police.

Aryan was telling Imlie that, "I took away your choice in marriage from you. But now I regret it that whatever the reason may be, but it was not your choice to take it away from you. But now I decided to correct my mistake. Please Imlie you leave from here. you are free now. Do what you want. I only request you not to come back to me. Because whoever makes a mistake once, can do it again. Who first believed the true to be false, can do it again." And he left from their with heavy heart. Imlie's eyes also welled up.

Aditya talk to himself,
"I went to Imlie and asked her what Aryan said but she refused to share any details about her & Aryan's relation. But also said that nothing happened & she also left trying to act normal. Offcourse she will not tell me, she will not tell anyone. Because marriage is a promise for imlie for lifetime. And she will never get it off from her side. She never will be the reason of breakup. But I will find out. And I will get you back I promise."

"But I know Imlie so far that I can definitely tell when she is telling the truth and when she is lying. And now she was definitely lying. And what Aryan said was that he took away Imlie's choice in marriage. So Imlie did not want this marriage. But Aryan forcibly married Imlie. But what was Imlie's compulsion to do this?"

"Wait a minute, this all happened when I got arrested for telling the wrong weather. And then I got bail. And no action was taken against me. It means... it means Imlie did all this for.... ME? That Aryan took advantage of her love for me? This means that there is no relationship between Aryan and Imlie. Imlie still love me. They are husband and wife in name only. That means Imlie can still come back to me."

And a wide smile appears on his face. "Hum tumhe wapas lakar rahenge Imlie."
[I will bring you back Imlie.]

He later tries hard to befriend Imlie to learn from her about Aryan and her relationship. He even apologized to her many times. But at the end, Imlie become Imlie. She forgave him. But she did not tell Aditya anything about their relationship. But he decided to investigate on his own.

He tried hard to find out. But nothing was known from outside. So he decided to stay close to them and watch over them. But he was waiting for the right opportunity. One month passed like this. But Aditya not get any single proof.

One day, Aditya sneaks into Rathore Mansion. While he was hiding in the parking lot, he overheard the driver talking to the watchman, saying, Open the gate because Aryan Sir's car is due for servicing. That means they will go by another car. And this is their time to go to office. They will come out of house anytime. He went and hide in the trunk of that car. So that he can hear them.

Against The Time - AryLie FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora