2. Dream

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[Author Note : I added English subtitles as per your request. Other chapters will also post slowly with subtitles. It will take time because too long phrases to write.]

Mumbai | November 2021,

A car is driving on the road. There are two persons in it, not actually two persons, but a man in a three-piece suit, handsome in appearance, perfectly built body, well trimmed beard, eloquent eyes & one scar eye brow.

And a woman in a saree, beautiful in appearance, doe eyes, dusky skin tone, mangalsutra around her neck, vermilion in her hair, three dots tattoo on her chin and long black hair falling up to her waist. Most of them must be a couple.

The woman is telling him something. And he is smiling like that, this is the same everyday talk. Her chatter goes on and on. And he smiles & glance at her from time to time while driving. He is happy to see her happy. And she is happy to be with him. But suddenly the smile on his face is changed into worried and then reflected in fear. What exactly happened?

She asked him. He told her that the car's brakes failed. Only he knows how could he miss the oncoming vehicle. The car was going out of control. Both of them worried for each other if something will happens to other.

Somehow he manages to drive. But he was waiting for a strong tree to come. So that their car hits that tree. And accidents can be avoided. And they both will be safe also. But before that, suddenly a truck came from the front and...

And he woke up from his sleep. He was full of sweat. Again the same dream. He was having the same dream for a few days. He looked at the clock and it was 4 am. He woke up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. It was his daily time to get up. Because he is an insomniac.

YES. A man, who just woke up from his sleep is none other than, our one and only, The Aryan Singh Rathore. He shifted from Delhi four years back. And currently staying at Mumbai in his luxurious house.

Four years ago his Jiju died after that he forgot to sleep. His sleep is at least 3 or 4 hours. And his nightmares at that. They don't let him sleep. After his Jiju's departure, he begins to dream of burning him alive. Because he died the same way.

Arvind Singh Chauhan, Arpita's husband and CEO of Rathore Group of Industries. The workers of the company went on strike. The workers were provoked and then taking advantage of the crowd, a fire bottle was thrown on his car so that he were burnt alive inside the car.

And Aryan feels that only one person is responsible for all this. And that person is none other than Aditya Kumar Tripathi. The same Aditya who is a Chief Executive reporter in Bhaskar Times.

Aditya printed a wrong article about Aryan's Jiju Arvind Singh Chauhan. So the workers went on strike and he died in that strike. Since then Aryan's sleep was replaced by his jiju's dream.

But for the last few days Jiju's dream was replaced by this dream of accident. But he can understand the dream that he has seen come true before his eyes. But this was a mystery to him. He had never even met these people.

Then who were those people? And why did they feel familiar? But at the same time, he did not remember anything. He was thinking about this for several days. And that curiosity was visible on his face everytime.

But today, today the expression on his face was telling something else. Today, curiosity was replaced by satisfaction on his face. What kind of satisfaction was it? Does he know who those two people are? He came out of the bathroom getting ready and glanced at the calendar.

And said to himself, "Only 10 days left. I have to hurry." He dialed his secretary's number.

Ar- Hello, Riya.
[Hello, Riya.]

Against The Time - AryLie FFWhere stories live. Discover now