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All the books scattered , around your bed as you were busy in completing your assignments , you all just had dinner and it was only you Ren and your step mom.

Knock knock!

You looked up and broke into a smile when you saw your father.

Dad !!!

You smiled as he stepped in still in his office clothes. He sat beside you on bed. As you straightened,  your posture fully focused on him now.

What brings you here ?

You asked innocently keeping your pen down and your father stroked your hair and smiled at your face.

I have been quiet busy these days , so couldn't talk to you properly

He muttered and you nodded with lip tight smile as agreeing on to this . He chuckled at your expression.

You are happy like your mother right ?

You creased your brows ,  as this questioned arised , you nodded silently as you could feel your dad concerned for your clarification.

And are you following what she asked for ?

You remembered few weeks back , marie asked , you to avoid going to clubs having unwanted hookups relationships or any night stands.
That you agreed that time. And somewhere you are still working In it.

Ofcourse dad..I'm trying.. and I can't fully avoid going to clubs,  but still other things I'm working for it

You spoke  slightly smiling.

We are not forcing you to apply this all of a sudden..but please..we are doing it for your betterment

Your father pecked on your forehead and you nodded.

And dad..don't overthhink anything..I'm just loving the way I have this family , finally I love when I'm returning from college knowing mom is here , you are here..

His eyes turned a bit gloomy,  as he could feel how grateful you were after having this family.

And about Ren  ??

He's a nice guy  you father completed a bit teasingly and you laughed out

You saw your father going as you stood up to shut the door but suddenly you got a cramp on your foot that made you fall suddenly. Because of the discomfort you got while walking.

You winced as your palm turned red that hit on the bed. You rubbed it constantly trying to avoid the pain.


Next day :

You know I'm trying to set up my buisness..and hope so it turns out well Ren spoke and you nodded excitingly

Ofcourse you'll make it..believe in yourself.

He smiled as you motivated him alot.
It's been days , he's been dropping you to college on daily basis.
And Ofcourse somewhere you heard the rumors about you being with new guy. That's the same shit !

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