Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25

Start from the beginning

A police officer stands in the way. "First off, we need to ask him questions about the suspects" he tells Coach Harris. "Then you can talk to him." The officer then ushers me away, next to a police car. As far as I'm aware, I didn't do anything wrong, other than sneak out from a school event.

Is that really a jailable offence?

"Alright, Jamel. You seem to be popular with both herbivores and carnivores, so you might have an idea of where this is going." He tells me. "We're just gonna ask a few questions, regarding this afternoon, okay?"

"Yep." I say quickly. I just want to get through this quickly and cleanly.

"Where did you last see Sam the Tiger and Abe the Brown Bear?" he asks me. Here I go...

"I... last saw Abe when he offered to take my friends Sona and Paddo back to school. After they all left, I saw Sam make his way to the exit. I didn't think he would follow them, I just thought he needed to go to the bathroom or something." I say. The police officer writes into his notebook.

"Did you notice any changes in Sam or Abe over the past few weeks? Maybe a different diet, personality, or behaviour towards herbivores?" the officer asks me.

"Well... Abe was a bit more social around herbivores than usual... and he offered to take Sona and Paddo back to school. I guess that's why Sam got a bit suspicious. He knows Abe better than I do. Abe also had a bigger appetite on him. I saw him eat two, maybe three serves of breakfast a few days ago."

"Sergeant, we found this in one of the suspect's rooms. An older student tipped us off that a bird and a feline were stowing away drugs and supplements." A police officer calls out. I turn around to see a box of tablets inside a plastic bag as evidence.

"Looks like another Chymopepsin Case. Find the two and detain them." The other officer says. "Now, back to the questions..."

That must be the supplement that Fassid and Masama were giving to Abe. I have to find out more about it.

"What is that?" I ask them. Oh man, how stupid of me. As if they'd tell someone like me about some mind-altering drug.

"Chymopepsen is a drug that's used to spike potential predators into unleashing their true instincts. They're usually found in the Black Market, and we get about one call a month about nightclub patrons getting spiked with it." He explains. He mentioned something about a Black Market... what could that mean?

"It has a two-prong effect. For carnivores, it makes them lust for blood and meat, while also keeping them calm and collected so they don't viciously murder anyone in public. Usually, prey is lured somewhere private before being devoured. For herbivores, they feel nausea, hallucinations, vertigo, and all sorts of things, before an overwhelming guilt forces them to give themselves up to a carnivore to be devoured. It's messed up, and you need to be careful around it." The officer tells me.

"That's disgusting." I say with him, agreeing. But I have another question I need to figure out. "What about this "Black Market" place? What's that?" I ask. The police officer looks at me, a little confused and offended. He then shakes off his look.

"Uhh... that's all the questions I wanted to ask. We'll see how your friends are doing..." he says before nervously shuffling off.

Wow, rude.

"Ahem..." I hear someone clearing their throat. I look up to see Coach Harris, holding my bag... the bag I must have left in the gym... he's not proud of me right now.

Chapter 222: Just Devour Me Already!

He walks over, holding my bag, almost stomping into the ground. He looks across to a couple of police officers, and immediately turns his face into a happy, cheerful tone, as if I were a five-year old.

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