Chapter 24: Reunitied

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(I had no idea what to name this chapter 😭)

Luke was losing his patience, and his temper. They only came to this cursed and wretched club so Caleb would leave Julie and Flynn alone and everything is falling through. Flynn's still here, he has no idea what happened to Julie after they left, and they keep splitting up.

We should have stayed together. He tells himself. We should have stuck together, we always stick together.

He sighs and tries kicks the wall to get frustration out but his foot goes right through the wall and he trips and lands in the hard wood floor, face planting with a thud. At least it wasn't hideous shag carpet like that other room add. It may have been less painful for his face, but it's far more painful to the eyes.


Julie rushes over to help him up. "Where are the other guys!? Are you okay?"

"Julie? What are you doing here?" Luke says heart starting to race. "You shouldn't be here? How'd you get in?"

"Um...about that..." Julie says. "Look before you get mad- you guys were here, Flynn was here, and the four of you aren't my friends you're my friend family. I couldn't just leave you behind."

"What did you do?" Luke says, blood running ice cold.

"I gave Caleb my soul."

"Why in the world would you do that!?"

"So Caleb couldn't control you or hurt Flynn!" Julie says. "What did you expect me to do? Leave my best friends for Caleb to do god knows what to. Caleb tried to kill you guys. He tried to kill Flynn! I'm not just gonna sit around and wait for everyone I love disappear!" Her eyes begin to well with tears of frustration and desperation.

"I'm sorry." Luke says. "You're were just trying to help. Just wish you didn't have to sell your soul to the devil himself."

"That's an insult to the devil." Julie says. "Caleb is far worse. And if we ever want a chance at getting it if here or defeating him, we need to stick together. Where's Alex and Reggie?"

"We split up to look for Flynn." Luke says. Then he sees Flynn's body lying motionless in the corner, stiff as a pole. "Oh my gosh is she-"

"No. Not really. Not yet." Julie says. "Willie came here early. He said he can get her soul back in her body if we find her in time. And why would you guys split up!?" Her tone shifts.

"To make it easier to look for Flynn." Luke says. "We were gonna meet in a designated spot after twenty minutes. It's not like we had no plan."

"How's your plan working for you now, wise guy?"

"Still has potential...after we get out of here." Luke says.

"Well I'm stuck because I'm not a ghost. You can just poof out, that's what Willie did." Julie says.

"Well I'm not just gonna leave you in here, I don't even think I could find this room again if I tried." Luke says, taking Julie's hand, unsure if his idea would even work. With her hand in his, he poofs them both out, appearing in the main lobby they.

"Oh...maybe a warning next time?" Julie says rubbing her temples, feeling a bit dizzy.

"Sorry, it does take a second to get use to." Luke says.

"Guys! There you are." Reggie says walking up to them. "Willie came by earlier, said he was gonna look for you and Alex so we would all be together again. Splitting ups a bad idea."

"What else did he say?" Julie asks. "Does he have a plan? Does he know where Flynn is? What about Caleb? You didn't run into him did you? And what happened with the stamp? Are you okay?"

"You ask a lot of questions." Reggie says. "Yeah. All is well with me. And no, Willie didn't share any plans with me. He left too abruptly."

"You sure you're good man?" Luke asks. "You're acting funny."

"Please, Funny is my middle name." Reggie says, which put Luke more at ease. Before he was saying some very UnReggie things, but this was more like his lovable dorky best friend. "Willie should be back with Alex any moment so let's just chill here and wait."

The three of them sit down at a table to wait for Willie so they could orchestrate a plan, but Luke was getting a twisting feeling in his stomach that something wasn't right. The club felt too empty, and they haven't run in to Caleb yet, things didn't seem to be adding up.


Carlos wasn't sure how long it was suppose to take to take down an evil ghost, but he was getting anxious after an hour had passed and his sister wasn't back yet.

He crept out of the house and made his way to Hollywood Boulevard, remembering Julie saying something about an old hotel.

She must have gone there. He thinks to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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