Chapter 22: Super Cool DJ

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After coming across many many fake Luke's and Alex's, Reggie finally found the real Luke and now they were on the search for Alex. Reggie still gripped his baseball bat in case they ran into more fakes.

"So uh, were you really gonna hit me with that?" Luke says.

"If you weren't real than yeah. The fake Luke's are mean." Reggie says. "Besides, it was fun."

"You had fun...hitting me with a baseball bat?" Luke asks with concern.

"Not you, the fake Luke's. I'd never hit you with a baseball bat." Reggie says like the idea of it was completely insane.

"Thanks bro."

"This is when you say you'd never hit me with one either." Reggie says. "Right!?"

"Relax man. Of course." He slings his arm over Reggie's shoulder and pulls him closer.

"Hey, about what the fake Bobby was saying in there..." Reggie says. "He's wrong you know." After he heard what he was saying, Reggie didn't care if it was real Bobby or a fake Bobby. Whoever says stuff like that deserves to be hit with a baseball bat.

Luke wasn't too sure Bobby was wrong. He kept thinking about what he said, and he can't stop hating himself for it.

"Yeah. I know. Thanks." He tells Reggie just to move on from the subject. "So, wanna bet that we'll find Alex with Willie."

It's been about twenty minutes and Julie hasn't gotten Flynn to wake up yet. She wasn't sure what she was doing to do or how to get out of here. How'd they even get in with no windows and no doors?

Suddenly a ghost walks through the wall. Clearly he didn't know anyone would be in here because he looks shocked when he sees the girls.

"Julie?" The ghost says.

"I'm I know you?" Julie asks confused. The ghost has long dark hair and a soft eyes.

"I'm just a friend of Alex's. What are you doing here? Wait is Alex here?" Julie guessed this must be the Willie she's heard so much about.

"Uh, yeah. Caleb kinda put us in a tough position and they agreed to join his club thinking it would save my friend Flynn." Julie motions to Flynn who was still unconscious. "But he didn't release her and so I gave him my soul to get in the club so I could find the guys but I'm stuck in this room and I can't just leave Flynn here."

Willie ignores her for a moment and goes over to Flynn, taking her hand and pushing up her sleeve revealing a stamp shaped like the Hollywood Ghost Club logo. This one was gray.

Julie's heart drops when she sees it. "How do we get it off? do we get it off of her?! Get it off of her!"

"She's gonna be okay, I know how to fix this one." Willie says. "She's not dead...but her soul isn't attached to her body anymore. Her body is here, but Flynn is probably around the club somewhere."

"So she's like a ghost!?"

"Sorta. But I promise she's not dead. Well, not yet anyways." Willie says nervously. He normally doesn't get nervous but things aren't looking too good. If Alex and his friends agreed to join Caleb's club, it's gonna be hard to get them free. And Julie too, he can't imagine Caleb will give her soul up easily.

"What do you mean not yet!?"

"We don't have a lot of time. If we don't get her soul back to her body soon, she'll be a ghost forever."

"Okay well how do we get out of here!?" Julie says.

"You can't. You're still a lifer, you can pass through walls." Willie says. "Just stay here, I'll try and fix this. Somehow."

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