Chapter 16: Phase Two

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I feel like it's been going slow I'm sorry. It's gonna kinda pick up some tho hopefully.
Also sorry it's been a while I honestly forgot about this lol. 

After seeing Nick, Luke quickly poofs to Flynn's house, thinking he should let Julie know since they were friends and all, even though he didn't particularly like Nick.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" Julie sighs when he appears. Apparently their talk about boundaries didn't rub off on him as much as she thought.

"The guys are here?" Flynn says. "Hi!" She waves all over the room. Julie grabs her arm and pulls it down, still looking at Luke and waiting for an answer.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt but something happened." Luke says. "I was just walking around, I don't know I was just bored I guess, and Nick was in a car crash. I think he's getting help, I just..."

"What? Did you see what happened? Is he okay!?" Julie says.

"What's going on?" Flynn says.

"Nick was in a car accident." Julie says.

"I-I think he's gonna be fine, it's just...I thought you would want to know."

"No, yeah thanks Luke." Julie says. "I should go though, I'll see you later Flynn." Julie rushes out, and Luke knows he probably did the right thing telling her about it, but why does he feel like it was the wrong thing? Why does he feel so bad about it?

He poofs to the Orpheum and sits at the top of the sign to do some thinking, leaving Flynn alone in her bedroom.

"Hello?" She says unsure if Luke was still there. "If any ghost boys are still here give me a sign?" Nothing. "Okay so I guess I'm alone."

"Oh I wouldn't say that." Flynn hears a sinister voice. And suddenly everything goes black, Flynn can't see anything. It's as if someone put a bag over her head, and she has no idea what's happening. But this is only part of Caleb's mater plan.

A little over an hour passed by. Julie waited at the hospital without going into Nick's room trying to think of what she'd even say to him. She didn't even think he'd want to see her, I mean sure they were dance partners and she's even say they were friends, but would he even want anything to do with her since she's rejected him?

Sure he got her that gig and has still been the sweet Nick she first got a crush on, but something has been different about him. Maybe it's better she doesn't talk to him, not yet anyways.

She goes back to Flynn's house, but when she goes up to Flynn's room it's empty. She pulls out her phone and gives her a call, but it goes straight to voicemail.

Julie figured she could be hanging out with her brother, and was about to leave when suddenly Caleb appeared in the room.

She jumps back, and even though she's never met Caleb before, something inside her knew this was him. His ice blue eyes locked onto her and pierced her soul, sending shivers down her spine. Her breath became shallow and the room remain silent for a moment as the two stared at each other, never having once met before but they knew exactly who each other were.

They were each the person standing in the way of the other having a band with the Phantoms. The only difference was Julie and the Phantoms was a family. A bond so unbreakable it brought music to life. It was love. It was magic. It was everything. The connection Julie had with the three of them was nothing Caleb could give them with the audience.

His connection was dark, and evil. It was manipulative and he was only interested in their power. He already had a third of it, so he thought.

"Caleb." She says, standing up more straight trying to look brave and confident. She was determined to not let Caleb win, whatever game he was playing.

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