Chapter 11: Phase One

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Deep down Reggie knew he should have said something before they went on that stage, especially so he could warn them about "Nick", or Caleb now that Reggie knows the truth. Reggie honestly just couldn't bring himself to do it though, partly because he doubted they'd believe him even though the proof was right there engraved on his wrist like a permanent etch-a-sketch drawing.

Why didn't this one sink into his skin like the other? Why is it a different color? What does it mean? What will it do?

All those questions Reggie had to set aside for the meantime so he could put his full focus on performing. He can't let the band down by messing up.

Are there even mangers in this audience? Or do all these people work for Caleb? Reggie thought. He looked out at the crowd, he saw Julie's family there cheering her on. Ray and Tia, Carlos. Even Flynn was there. Willie was there too. What if they're all in danger now too?

He saw "Nick" in the audience too, knowing good and well it was Caleb on the inside. He looked up at the stage, Reggie knew none of it was in his imagination. And now he has no idea what to do about it now.

As soon as the song ends and they all take a bow, Reggie's wrist feels like it's on fire. The guys disappear to backstage and Reggie does his best to act fine but it feels like the devil himself is squeezing his wrist and has no intention of stopping until his whole hand pops off.

He makes sure Alex and Luke aren't paying attention and then pushes his sleeve up to look at his wrist and the stamp was glowing a little bit, the color turning into a slightly deeper pink than the grey ish pink fleshy color it was before.

"Hey you okay man?" Luke says eyeing Reggie who wasn't joining in them celebrating their performance.

Reggie jumps, and quickly pulls his sleeve back over his wrist. "Oh, yeah, yeah I'm great!" He says ignoring the stinging his wrist was still feeling. The pain subsided and the glowing stopped, but he could still feel a slight sting.

Julie runs back to meet them. "Incredible job you guys! I think the crowd really loved us." She says with a smile.

Reggie knew this was the time to tell them all what happened, but he just couldn't open his mouth to speak. He was always like this, he could never tell his friends when something happened to him or when he needed help. He always kept it to himself. Whether he was hurt or upset about something or if his parents were going at it, he kept his pain, physical, mental, and emotional, to himself.

"I think Willie especially loved you." Luke says to Alex.

Alex blushes and gives a sheepish smile. "You think?"

"Yeah man! You totally killed it!" Reggie says. "We should go back to the studio now though." He was eager to get out of this place.

"I'll meet you guys there, I'm gonna go talk to Willie. See you guys later." Alex says, poofing away to find his skater boy.

Reggie felt like Alex would be safe with Willie, so he didn't argue. "Alright, we should go, like now." Reggie says to Julie and Luke.

"You sure you're alright man, you seem a lil tense?" Luke says getting a little concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm great. I just...think we should leave. I mean the shows over so what are we still doing here and I think the plants in the studio need watering so they don't die. We would have killed them. Do you wanna be responsible for murdering a plant? Do you wanna be a plant murderer Luke? Because I don't so we need to go like right now."

"Okay..... In a minute though, I wanna go thank Nick." Julie says.

"Why?" Luke says a hint of jealousy in his voice.

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