Chapter 13: Never will forgive himself

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It was the morning after their big performance at the club. Alex was with Willie, and Julie was with Flynn. Luke had no idea where Reggie was, but he was sure Alex or Julie knew where he was. Luke had no doubt Reggie was chilling on the beach making sandcastles and then stomping them back down into the sand like a little kid. Or maybe he was with Carlos trying to communicate with him.

Reggie was actually still on the search for a Steve Peters, his brother. He could be anywhere. He could be in Italy for all Reggie knows. And that's what makes this so hard for Reggie, he doesn't know. He has no idea if his brother is alright, and if he's not alright Reggie can't help but feel like it would be his fault. He was supposed to be his older brother.

Luke was in the studio by himself, thinking about everything. He's pushed it all back for a while now, but now that he's by himself he has room to think, room to let it all out.

He tries to remain strong in front of his friends, always wanting to be seen as a leader and the motivator. Of course, he had his moments and his bandmates were always there to cheer him up, but he liked to keep his emotions tamed. He liked to be in control of them, not them controlling him.

He felt guilty. He told Julie he was fine with her answer, and he wanted to be fine with her answer but it kinda felt like salt in an open wound. He thought she felt the same. He feels guilty for not liking her answer, because everyone deserves time.

But then he thought about how he always use to tell the guys they are the only family they need. He's realized all his focus as been on Julie lately, and he's worried it may be hurting his friends. The friends who've been with him since day 1, the people he died with.

He remembered how in their last moments, they all told each other how happy they were to have known each other and get to be with each other in their last moments, as they all held hands. He lived with them, he dreamt with them, and he died with them. They were there for him when he was going through the darkest day and they turned them into the best days and he got to be there for them when they needed the same. They were his family. His brothers.

And now he's afraid he's let them down because he forgot to show how much he loves and appreciates them every single day. Luke's always been an affectionate person. He became friends with Reggie on the first day of third grade by just going up and giving him a hug because he looked sad. The boy instantly cheered up and they became friends right in the moment.

Reggie then introduced Luke to his friend Alex. Reggie and Alex met in kindergarten, and the reason why Reggie was so sad that day was because Alex wasn't there. Luke introduced them to his friend since first grade, Bobby. And the four of them became inseparable.

Bobby. His longest friend. Someone who Luke trusted more than he trusted himself. In the moments before their death, Bobby tried to get Luke to make up with his mom, and Luke refused thinking there's no way his mom would see his side. He thought Bobby cared for him, but then he went and stole the songs he wrote, the songs he made with the band for the band.

Special songs he wrote that were crafted perfectly for their sound as Sunset Curve and the confection with their audience. Songs about their bond as a band. Songs about the people he called family. Crooked Teeth, Long Weekends, Get Lost, My Name is Luke, all songs Luke made specifically about Sunset Curve or a specific member of the band or a memory they all shared. And "Trevor Wilson" took that all away.

Yes, they had new songs with Julie and those were just as great. They had a new sound, new songs, and new stories to tell. But it doesn't change what he lost. He lost the chance to tell the stories the way they should be told. Trevor Wilson couldn't capture the story he made with his songs and the music when they all played together. He couldn't make the same magic Sunset Curve did. And what's worse, he did it all for fame. Not for music, not for their memory, but for fame and money and pride.

Pride. Boy, does Luke know a thing or two about pride. Thinking about pride, Luke thought about his last fight with his mom. Maybe if he wasn't so prideful, he would go back and make up before he died.

Maybe it wasn't his pride that stopped him though. It was shame. How could he go back after the monster of a fight they had? What if she didn't want him back? That was his fear.

But Julie proved that wrong. Emily would have given anything to have her son in this world again and to tell him she believes in him. She wish she told him before.

Luke sighed and laid down on the couch, staring at the chairs hoping to think of anything else. But what else, if he thought about music, he thought about Sunset Curve and how Bobby betrayed them and stole their music. The music he made for them.

He couldn't think about Alex or Reggie, because then he'd think about how he probably let them down by not being there. By focusing too much on a girl who didn't even feel the same away about him. A girl. They promised each other no matter what, they wouldn't let relationships get in the way of their friendship. What if he broke that promise? He'd never forgive himself.

He poofs out of the studio and decided to take a walk around Hollywood. Maybe fresh air will be good for him. Do ghosts even need fresh air?

He finds himself at Trevor Wilson's house, and a huge part of him wants to go in there and scare him again. He still had all this anger at him for taking the songs, and more importantly erasing their meaning.

But then he thinks back to how that anger ruined everything last time. He was so mad at Trevor that they missed the school dance and let Julie down, and got cursed by Caleb. They almost died all because they wanted revenge.

It's anger that destroys people. It destroys their happiness, their mind, their soul, their heart, and most importantly friendships and relationships. Our friendships and relationships are one of the most important things about us, it's what hold us together when we crumble. Ruin that, and you ruin yourself.

Luke knew about it all too well. He lived that story with his mom. He didn't want to be in the sequel like the girl from Scream, he's fine in missing out on that. He didn't want to live that story with his friends, even Bobby.

Maybe one day he'll feel enough regret and come clean. It won't fix anything, it won't bring back to the meaning he sucked out of the songs and it won't bring their memory back. But it would be the right thing to do, and Luke knew deep down if Trevor Wilson was anything like Bobby Shaw, he'd come around, even if it took him a while. Bobby always did the right thing in end.

He starts walking back to the studio when all of the sudden he hears a loud crash and a car alarm start going off. He looks behind him and a car had driven right into a tree, the driver passed out at the wheel. Luke recognized the driver immediately- it was Nick.

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