Chapter 18: Carlos the Ghost Toaster

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By the way, I'm just updating these all at once back to back because I don't wanna forget again. This is the last one for now though.

Carlos had more ghost questions so he went into the studio to lol for his sister. To his delight, she was standing there and he runs up to her, driven by curiosity. "Julie, do your ghosts posses people, because that would be cool and-"

"No it wouldn't be cool!" Julie turns around, snapping at him. "Do you have any idea how awful that is? It ruined everything! Now they're gone! They're in trouble all because we didn't notice a stupid evil ghost was possessing Nick!"

"Reggie knew. He told me. I thought he was trying to scare me though." Carlos says. Reggie often communicated with Carlos a number of different ways. Sometimes they had Julie deliver a message to the other one, or Reggie would leave a note for Carlos, or spell something out on his oujia board.

"Now is not the time Carlos!" Julie says.

Carlos wraps his arms around his sisters waist giving her a hug. "It'll be okay." He says, even though he didn't really understand what the problem was. "I can help you, what do you need me to do?"

"Carlos." She sighs, whipping her tears, but Carlos offering to help made her want to cry more. He was so sweet. But she can't let him help. He could get hurt and she can't let that happen. "I should have never told you the truth about them. It's dangerous"

"But...but I can be brave. I am brave. Julie I can help." Carlos says. "Besides you didn't even tell me. I big brained figured it out all in my own."

"You did." She nods. "You're very smart." She hugs him, holding him close. It felt good to hold someone. "Look, let me handle this okay? Seriously this ghost...he's bad news okay and I don't want you getting hurt."

"What about you? Should we get dad? Maybe he can help?"

"And what are we gonna tell him?" Julie asks, tearing up again. "That an evil ghost kidnapped Flynn and my ghost friends? He'll drive me to Dr. Turner right then and there."

"This is beyond Dr. Turner." Carlos nods. "But don't fear! I am Carlos the Ghost Toaster! I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get my stuff and this evil ghost man is found down! Molina sibling style!" Carlos runs off, heading back to the house to get his ghost hunting gear, excited to hunt a real ghost.

Julie couldn't let him be a part of this though. She was his older sister, and she had to be responsible for making sure he stayed safe and going after Caleb, definitely not safe. She knew she had to do this on her own. Her friends were depending on her.

Carlos runs up the stairs, feet pounding like a heard of wild elephants. "Carlos!? Why are you running? It's 4 in the morning!" Ray calls.

"No time to talk dad." He calls. "Me and Julie are going ghost hunting!"

"Oh mojo, this again?" Ray says, coming into his room. "Ghosts aren't real. I know you think your mom's ghost is still around but-"

"It's not like that." Carlos says. "Julie's ghost band was kidnapped by an evil ghost and we have to save them."

Ray sighs, maybe his kids were just messing around. Playing games like old times. Who is he to stop them for getting along. At least they aren't fighting.

"Alright, just be careful mojo." Ray says, buying in to what he thought was an act. Carlos grabbed two pairs of ghost vision googles, a ghost ghost, and a two ghost blasters and ran back to the studio.

"Julie! I got supplies." He says. 

"Carlos, please." Julie says. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"But I want wanna help." He frowns. "I'm not some little kid, I'm growing up."

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