Chapter 6: Bored Together

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Julie wouldn't be back from Flynn's house until noon, and Alex was with Willie, leaving Reggie and Luke to have to studio to themselves.

"I'm so bored. Is it noon yet?" Luke groans, lying on the floor by the couch.

"Not yet. There's still like 2 hours." Reggie says. He sat next to Luke, also on the floor so Luke wouldn't be lonely down there.

"Come on, we can find something fun to do! We could see what Ray or Carlos are up to, we could mess with lifers, we could go to the beach..."

"Uggghh." Luke groans in boredom, cutting him off. "Ray and Carlos can't even see us."

"We could go to the beach?" Reggie says again.

"What if Julie comes back early and we're not here?"

"We could watch a movie?" Reggie suggests.

"Eh. Not feeling it. All her movies look boring or we've already seen them."

"We could rewatch a movie? We could make our own movie?" Reggie says hopefully. He just wanted to do something with him while they waited. Sure he was enjoying their time just doing nothing, but he wanted Luke to enjoy his time too and it doesn't seem like Luke is enjoying anything.

"Eh." Luke says. "What time is it now?"

"It's only been two minutes." Reggie says. "It's the perfect amount of time to watch Finding Dory, or Finding Nemo."

"Eh. You can put it in if you want, but I'm just waiting for time to hurry up." Luke didn't mean it that way, but Reggie took that as he wanted his time with him to hurry up.

"Is there anything you want to do?" Reggie asks, realizing he's been saying everything he likes to do but he hasn't asked Luke yet. Maybe if they did something Luke wanted, he'd start to enjoy their time a little more.

"I just can't wait for Julie to get back and to get to making music." Luke says.

"We could play something now?" Reggie says, getting excited. Finally they found something Luke wants to do! Reggie loves making music with Luke and he knows Luke loves making music too. He'll cheer up for sure!

"Julie doesn't want us playing alone because everyone will hear us but the studio will seem empty." Luke says.

"Is there anything at all you want to do?" Reggie asks, excitement quickly leaving him.

He was willing to do anything Luke wanted as long as Luke would be having fun so he wasn't so bored. Reggie always has fun when he's with Luke no matter what they're doing. Right now it seems as if Luke only will have a fun time if Julie's there.

"I just wanna wait until Julie gets back." Luke says. "And Alex. So we can make music. I mean if you're bored you don't have to stay here and do nothing. You can put a movie in or do that thing you do with lifers, or talk to Ray. I'm fine here."

Reggie wasn't bored. Well, not totally bored. Being bored with his favorite people was it's own kind of bored. It was special. He wasn't bored in the way he wasn't enjoying his time, because he was enjoying his time just being in the presence of someone he loved. But if Luke didn't mind if he stayed or left, it meant his presence didn't really make a difference or matter right now like Luke's mattered to Reggie.

"Oh. Okay then. I guess I'm gonna go see what Ray's up to." Reggie says. Luke only nods in response Reggie poofs away, though he'd rather stay there in the studio with Luke.

Luke was gonna be not-enjoying-his-time bored no matter what Reggie did because right now it's clear to Reggie that the only thing Luke's interested in right now is hanging out with Julie. If his presence didn't matter here, Reggie didn't really see a point in staying even if made all difference to him. He thought when it came to hanging out with his friends he had to be of use to them, make them happy in some way, and if he wasn't doing that he had no reason to be there. Not if he wasn't useful. Not if he wasn't wanted.

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