Javier stopped suddenly, turning to face a door. He handed over key cards to different people. Violet and Kenya got to share one key. Louis got his own and so did Willow.

Willow widened her eyes, "I get my own room?"

Javier nodded, "You're who we're relying on. I want you to be as comfortable as possible, kid." Javier was then stunned by Willow rushing over to him and hugging him.

"Thank you, thank you!" She jumped up and down excitedly. Willow then checked her number on her card and immediately rushed to her room, entering it.

Louis looked conflicted to which Javier noticed.

"She'll be fine Louis."

"I know." Louis replied, "This is just a big moment for her, you think she should be alone?"

Javier smiled and squeezed his shoulder, "That's why I think she should have her own room. What she's doing for us deserves a bit of privacy- y'know to think and relax."

"Maybe." Louis replied not sounding fully convinced.

"You'll be right next to her, Louis." Javier reassured him. "So will Violet and Kenya. I made sure her room was in between both of yours ok?"

Louis sighed, he nodded. "Yea ok. I get it. Thanks Javier."

"I'll call you guys for lunch in about an hour. Relax for now." Javier patted Louis' shoulder as he walked away.

Louis huffed, entering his room now.

As soon as he entered the room, memories flooded to him. As a child he was always in hotels like this. The room he had currently had a queen size bed, with bedding and all. The room had two big windows covered by long beautiful drapes. Although it was a commonplace in his childhood, it felt like an entirely foreign place to him now.

Louis shuffled off his coat and sat down on the bed. He laid down on it, he was now staring at the ceiling in silence. The silence turned into a talkative mind.

He hated this. A giant, empty bed. It surprised him, he used to love being alone with himself, especially in the comfort of a luxurious room. But once he started a family, an empty bed meant loneliness.

He got up from his bed, grabbing his key and walking out of his room.

He hesitated, but knocked on Willow's door. He could hear shuffling, and soon the door had opened revealing his daughter.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Just wanted to see how you liked the new room." Louis smiled.

She smiled back, opening the door wider to let him in. She walked around her room that looked identical to Louis'. It seemed she had more appreciation for it than him.

"This place is so awesome. Javi's awesome." She ran her fingers along the big curtain on the window, appreciating its beauty. She looked outside to see Richmond's people.

"You excited about staying in your own room?"

"Hell yea!" Willow replied with no hesitation. She snapped her head back to look at Louis with a big grin. "Thanks for trusting me. I feel like I matter."

Louis frowned, "You've always mattered."

Willow shrugged, going to sit by her dad now that sat on her bed. "I know that I just mean like in terms of usefulness. Sometimes I feel like I'm just some kid with too big of dreams."

Louis chuckled, shaking his head. Willow looked confused at this.

"Sorry." Louis waved off his laughs. "You just sound like me. When I was little. So focused on my dreams of becoming something greater."

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