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Disclaimer: The image above is not my own. All credit goes to the original creator.


Chapter 22: "Another Annoying Wolf"

I glance at the redhead who's intensely staring at me.

What's wrong with him?

"Are you Lady Azele?" the black-haired man inquires, shoving aside the people restraining him.

I give him a curious look as he starts walking toward me.

Why are you coming closer, and what's with that strange gaze?

I step back, but he quickly closes the distance.

"Yes, I am indeed Lady Azele. Your Highness, do you require something from me?" I inquire with a hint of awkward politeness. I attempt to move a meter away from him, but he swiftly advances.

This is getting too close...

What's your issue?

As I contemplate stepping back again, he suddenly drops to one knee and takes hold of my right hand.

He kisses the back of my hand, causing me to flinch.

"My lady, I am Prince Lysander Eldrion Danter, the first Prince of the Seraphoria Kingdom," he says with a radiant smile on his lips.

Hold on! Danter? First Prince?

Is he Lucelio's older brother?

Lucelio mentioned his name to me once. So, is he Lucelio's rival?

Clicking her tongue He seems just like Lailiana—a despicable individual. Aren't they a perfect match?

He's a cruel person who mistreated my friend, Lucelio.

How could he discard Lucelio just for a mere throne?

It's clear to me that he's a womanizer. I really despise womanizers.

I recall a classmate of mine who had a reputation as a notorious womanizer.

I believed he had changed, so I allowed him to win my best friend's affection, but in the end, he remained a barbaric person. It was a huge mistake on my part. How could I have allowed that man to enter my best friend's life?

Being handsome and popular doesn't give anyone the right to toy with someone's heart.

My best friend cried for a whole week. I felt like strangling that bandit man.

And this black-haired prince is utterly obnoxious, much like my best friend's ex-boyfriend in my past life.

"Pleased to meet you, Prince Lysander. I apologize if I seemed impolite by not greeting you properly." I swiftly withdrew my hand from his grasp and gracefully bowed.

Where on earth is my handkerchief? Can someone help me wipe my hands?

And what's the deal with that kiss on my precious hand?

I understand that this is how men in the Seraphoria Kingdom greet women, but for a modern woman like me, it feels rather strange.

I remember Lucelio also kissed my hand when we met for the second time.

The sensation he conveyed was different from the irritating first Prince.

Perhaps it's because my initial impression of Lucelio was positive, unlike this black-haired man.

Just thinking about Lucelio's account of this man makes it difficult for me not to have a negative opinion of him.

"Oh, don't fret about it. You didn't know me at all," he remarked while rising slowly and offering a smile.

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