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Disclaimer: The image above is not my own. All credit goes to the original creator.


Chapter 15: "Negotiation With The King"

"Greetings, Your Highness, the benevolent and wise ruler," I bowed before a man in his mid-40s. He wore a long red robe, a golden crown atop his head, and a garment adorned with golden and white hues. His appearance befits that of a king, with his blonde hair, golden beard, and piercing red eyes.

"You may rise."

I straightened up and applied all the knowledge I had about etiquette, keeping my gaze fixed on the ground, hesitant to meet the king's eyes.

"Please, look at me, Lady Azele," the king urged politely.

Raising my eyes to meet his, I observed a regal presence that was undeniably fitting for the throne. Though I couldn't personally attest to his wisdom, he exuded the aura of a befitting king.

I recalled the times when I ventured outside the mansion to the commoner's quarters, witnessing the genuine happiness of the people and their evident affection for the king.


Why couldn't Prince Leon be as good as his father? It was likely because he was still an immature youth, far from readiness to assume the throne. I hoped that the king would nurture his son to become a wise ruler.

Prince Hezra Leon still had the chance to mature, provided he ceased making hasty accusations without concrete evidence.

"I've heard of what my son has done to you over the years. I can't help but feel that it's my fault. After all, he is my son."

I shook my head.

"No, Your Highness. The fault lies with me. I persisted in pursuing the prince, which understandably annoyed him."

"You were well within your rights to seek the prince's affection, considering you are his fiancée, but he chose to disregard you and pursue another woman. I'm truly embarrassed. My son has much to learn," the king sighed, his thoughts dwelling on his wayward son.

"The prince indeed neglected me because he doesn't like me. It's my fault for pursuing him in the first place. Your Highness, I would like to request your assistance in canceling the engagement. My sister, Lady Lailiana, is also a daughter of Duke Briegia, and she is more suitable to be his fiancée. The prince loves Lady Lailiana, and I don't wish to stand in the way of their happiness due to my selfishness."

I aimed to shift the responsibility onto Lailiana, confident that if I could successfully annul the engagement, my so-called half-sister would rejoice. It ultimately depended on whether the crown prince would accept her once more. Nevertheless, my so-called half-sister was a stupid woman, and I had doubts about whether she would make a suitable queen at this stage of her life. Ultimately, it was the king's decision to allow someone into the royal family without further scrutiny.

The king sighed, regarding me with a thoughtful expression.

"It's not about Lady Lailiana's suitability as my son's fiancee or their feelings towards each other; it's about the queen's position. As the king, I have a responsibility to look to the future, and I can see that Lady Lailiana is not ready for that position. My son needs a good queen who can be his right hand and guide him. Lady Azele, you are a strong candidate for that position. Besides your noble background, I can see your intelligence and potential. You have the qualities of a future queen for the Aghast Kingdom."

The king is indeed correct; I am the best candidate to be the next queen. Despite Lailiana's shortcomings, I still want to cancel this engagement. I no longer wish to stay here.

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