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Disclaimer: The image above is not my own. All credit goes to the original creator.


Chapter 13: "Annoying Capture Targets (Part 2)"

Sigh, I'm finally done with my homework. I completely forgot I had three assignments to finish over the weekend. I was too engrossed in my training to remember my homework.

As I left the library, I was greeted by four individuals, their eyes brimming with eagerness.

What is it with these male leads?

"Lady Azele, can we talk to you?" Prince Leon inquired.

"What, are you here to apologize and seek forgiveness?" I asked indifferently, glancing down as he attempted to evoke sympathy. I was certain students had started gossiping about me. These noblemen were the epitome of handsome, popularity, and distinction; they were seeking forgiveness, yet I had no intention of forgiving them.

I couldn't forgive them that easily. Forgiving them would undoubtedly bring trouble. For me, forgiving them meant surrendering my freedom. I'd be trapped in the noble circle forever.

I'd read numerous transmigration and reincarnation stories, and maybe, just maybe, they'd change their opinion of me. I didn't think I was an extraordinary woman who'd win their hearts simply because I was a transmigrator. I just couldn't shake the feeling. In the novels I'd read so far, all or some of the capture targets started to develop feelings for the transmigrator. And I absolutely didn't want that to happen.

"Please, Lady Azele, I know we've hurt you all these years, but please... please, give us a chance," Yuno implored. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

Sigh What am I doing? If I don't forgive these exasperating capture targets, they'll surely keep bothering me until I'm suffocated by stress.

I opened my eyes and fixed them with a cold stare.

"A chance? I'll give you a chance with one condition," I stated, crossing my arms.

"What is it? We'll do anything," they replied.

"Don't worry, this isn't difficult at all. I just want you to leave me alone. I'll forgive all of you if you simply ignore me, forget everything, forget that you know me, put past grievances behind you, and act like you don't know me. Can we agree on that? Can you all do that?"

I believed they would accept. After all, for years, they harbored resentment towards Azele. I was sure they only sought forgiveness. However, I was wrong.

"No!" the crown prince suddenly shouted, causing me to look at him with a perplexed expression.

No? What does he mean by "no"? Why is he refusing?

The three capture targets gazed at me with guilt in their eyes. Why the heck are they looking at me like that?

"What do you mean by 'no,' your highness?" I inquired.

"I... Uhmm... Ehem What I mean is, we can't do that," he stammered, realizing he had overreacted and attempting to adjust his tone.

"We can't do that? Why not? Is it so hard to just leave me alone? Why can't you do that?" I pressed.

"As a crown prince, it is my duty to work diligently to seek forgiveness. Your condition seems too easy for us. Ehem We cannot accept your condition. From now on, Lady Azele, I declare that I will start following you wherever you go until you genuinely forgive us."


"I will also start following you, Lady Azele. We will earnestly seek your forgiveness," Yuno declared with unwavering resolve in his eyes.

"I, Maze Maxhell, am also committed to seeking your forgiveness," Maze affirmed, placing his right fist over his left chest.

"I'm going to put in the effort too, Lady Azele! You must be delighted that we, as high-ranking noblemen, are willing to work diligently for your forgiveness. Aren't you thrilled?" Ranze began to laugh, leaving the three men beside him feeling somewhat helpless.

Yuno quickly struck him on the head, though not too forcefully.

"Oww! What's that for?" Ranze asked while holding his head.

"Can you just be normal for once?" Yuno whispered, attempting to keep the conversation discreet, though we could all hear.

"I am perfectly normal!" Ranze exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Yuno whispered again.

"Lady Azele, please pardon Ranze; I believe he may have had a bit too much to drink," he said, chuckling.


"Wait, wait! What do you mean you'll start bothering me? Why would you do that?"

As I asked, the bell rang, signaling the start of our class.

"That's the bell! Lady Azele, we'll head to class." Prince Leon quickly left, dragging Yuno and Maze along with him.

Huh? What just happened?

After that day, they began to pester me daily. During every break, lunchtime, and on our way home, they would show up, laughing and conversing as if we were old friends.

Goodness! Why is this happening to me? I just want to escape the noble circle. Why is leaving so difficult?

"Hey, don't steal my food!" Ranze shouted at Yuno as he caught Yuno pilfering his meal.

"I thought you didn't like vegetables?" Yuno complained.

"Ha! Well, I've had a change of heart. From now on, I love vegetables!" Ranze declared with an exaggerated grin, casting a glance my way. It irked me for some reason.

What's with the needless boasting?

Ranze Heodore, the third capture target, and Yuno Emberfall, the second capture target, have now joined me, completely disrupting my lunch.

"Lady Azele, would you like some of my food? It seems you have a taste for vegetables. You can have mine if you'd like," Ranze offered with a gentle smile that made me want to roll my eyes.

"No, thank you. I'm already full." I attempted to smile genuinely at them, but it felt forced. We had just been in an awkward situation, and suddenly this was happening. I couldn't converse with them casually like normal friends.

"Ranze, just eat. Don't trouble Azele. Here, Lady Azele, have some of mine," Crown Prince Leon said, placing a carrot on my plate. I raised my right eyebrow as I stared at the carrot. Don't trouble me either, Prince Leon.

There's this Crown Prince Hezra Leon Fintis who is also causing disruptions in my day.

"You can have some of mine as well." I was taken aback when Maze joined the charade by offering me his food.

"Uh, thank you..." I began to eat the vegetables they kept piling onto my plate, wondering what on earth was happening.

Why had I ended up in this predicament? Why was I surrounded by these capture targets?

I glanced at the prince, who was smiling at me, and it made me cringe. If the real Azele saw him smiling at her, she'd be giggling or wanting to jump and shout with joy. That's absurd! My apologies, but I can't stand this guy!

After all the hurtful words and actions they subjected her to for all those years, making her cry daily, and pushing her to her limits, they were just going to smile, apologize, and consider it resolved.

I've forgiven them already, so why won't they leave me alone? What's their aim? They just want to mock me! They're all incredibly irritating!

"Azele, I bought you a drink!" Lucelio suddenly appeared behind me, placing a glass in front of me and taking a seat in the empty chair beside me.

"Azele, you know Prince Lucelio?" the prince inquired.

Facepalm Lucelio-sama, why did you reveal yourself?


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