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Disclaimer: The image above is not my own. All credit goes to the original creator.


Chapter 6: "The Truth (Part 3)"

A white rectangular crystal suddenly materialized in his hand – it was the remote control for the Imagery Magic Ball.

The headmaster deftly pressed a button on the flat crystal device, causing it to illuminate. As we gazed at the wall, it began displaying various images, akin to a projector.

"What is this?" The onlookers were taken aback as they beheld detailed images of the entire school grounds.

"Headmaster, may I borrow the magical remote?"

"Certainly, but exercise caution – and avoid pressing this specific button." He pointed to a particular area shaded in black.

"Understood, Headmaster." He passed me the crystal remote control.

"Handle it with care," the headmaster advised.

"Yes, Headmaster. Thank you for allowing me to borrow this."

"Of course!" His joyful expression practically radiated from his face.

I understand the reason for his behavior.

*Sigh* This Headmaster...

"Please, pay attention to the screen in front of you."

I pressed a button on the remote control, and a specific image or video began to play.

In the dimly lit storage room, three women stood in the corner.

"Lady Serah, is that you?" the gossipmonger asked, pointing at the screen.

"What? No, that's not me!" She trembled while gazing fearfully at the screen.

The image or video continued to play.

"Ugh! That Azele woman! How dare she become the fiancée of the crown prince? And Lailiana! How dare she flirt with four high-ranking nobles?! They're both sisters, and both of them are behaving inappropriately!"

"Lady Serah, please calm down," Hara, one of Serah's followers, said. They are not my followers but followers of Serah. I never consider them my friends or followers.

I look at Serah, who is clearly trembling and sweating, as are her followers. They're all shaken.

"Yes, please, let's remain calm. Those individuals don't deserve our anger. What we should focus on is how to deal with them," Kaleana said, a sinister grin on her face and a wicked glint in her eyes.

Serah took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. Once she had calmed down, they began plotting.

"Let's use Lailiana to bring down Azele," Serah suggested.

"But how?"

"Stupid! It's simple. We just need to target Lailiana. She'll likely run to her knights in shining armor and cry for help. When that happens, the crown prince and his group will question us. We'll act like the victims, and in the end, we'll pin the blame on Azele, claiming she ordered us to harass Lailiana."

"Wow, Lady Serah, that's a brilliant plan! How did you come up with it?" Hara said with excitement in her voice.

"Yes, Lady Serah! Let's take down those arrogant individuals!" Kaleana exclaimed with an evil smile.

Afterward, they left, their expressions marked by wicked intentions.

I stopped the video and observed their reactions. They were all fixated on the screen, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"Now, Lady Serah, what do you have to say?" I asked, breaking the tense silence in the room.

They all returned to reality, quickly shifting their attention to the trembling Serah. Hara and Kaleana were also visibly nervous, their faces glistening with sweat.

"What is the meaning of this, Lady Serah?" the crown prince inquired.

"No, it's all fabricated! Impossible! I never said those things! I'm innocent!" Serah protested, doing her best to defend herself.

"Chuckle Then why are you so terrified? And why are you all sweating?" I inquired, savoring their terrified expressions. It was a sight to behold!

"You! This is just a manipulated illusion! You used some dark magic to create it!" Serah accused, her tears beginning to flow. To any onlooker, it would seem like I was bullying her.

"How wicked you are! Why are you slandering me? I never said those things! Lady Azele, I'm completely loyal to you. How could you frame me like this? Why are you creating false illusions? Why are you doing this to me?"

Her acting was outstanding. As I thought about it, I couldn't help but wonder why the heroine and Serah weren't best friends. They seemed like a perfect match, don't you think?

"Sorry to tell you, but I've never engaged in such actions. Are you also suggesting that the headmaster's magic tool isn't authentic?"

"Did you tamper with the Imagery Magic Ball, altering it through forbidden magic? I've never used such vulgar language! You're the one who manipulated the imagery, aren't you?"

Hohoho, defend yourself all you want. Your adversary is the headmaster, not me. The Imagery Magic Ball is impossible to alter, and the headmaster is aware of that.

"Well, Sigh Lady Serah, the Imagery Magic Ball doesn't deceive. Without the Imagery Magic Ball's book, we're unaware of what it contains. We don't understand if it can be modified or how. It's a highly intricate magical tool. Even though we comprehend its purpose, that's all we know. As far as I know, the Imagery Magic Ball cannot be altered. This means that what we're seeing is the genuine truth." The headmaster spoke with calmness in his voice.

"No! No! This is... " Serah clenched her teeth, and I saw her fist tighten.

"Just tell us the truth, Lady Serah. You're making things difficult for yourself," I impatiently responded.

"You! I dislike you! I hate you!" She rushed towards me and attempted to strike me. I smirked at her, but before I could react, the fourth capture target intervened, blocking her and giving her a light kick to the stomach. The kick wasn't forceful, but it still stung. Serah was thrown to the floor, clutching her stomach.

I frowned at his sudden intervention. You know I can handle myself. I don't need your assistance.

I rolled my eyes as I observed his proud demeanor.

The fourth capture target, is Maze Maxhell, the top knight at Aghast Academy and the secret bodyguard of the crown prince. He was a reserved man who preferred action over words.

An irritating knight...

"Lady Serah, don't worry; I dislike you as well," I smirked at her. You reap what you sow. You deserve this for bullying Azele! Well, it felt satisfying to reveal her true hypocritical nature.

"Oh well, Lady Serah, you're not the only one in this room pretending to be virtuous. Let me introduce you to someone else." I winked at her before clicking something on the remote control.

Another video was displayed. This time it's your turn, Lailiana.

"Villainess No More: The Flight from Fate Begins"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant