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Disclaimer: The image above is not my own. All credit goes to the original creator.


Chapter 17: "Giving Him Opportunity"

In the throne room, Prince Leon confronted his father, his voice laced with urgency. "Father, are you really going to cancel our engagement?" He entered the room, but the king engrossed in studying a pendant, remained oblivious to his presence and his son's question.

"Father!" Leon raised his voice, desperate for his father's attention.

"Oh, my son! You're here! Do you know what Lady Azele gave me? It's a very rare treasure. Our country is the sole possessor of this treasure; no other nation has anything like it." The king hurriedly approached his son, his eyes filled with admiration as he gazed at the pendant in his hand.

"Father, are you saying that you agreed to cancel the engagement because of that rare treasure? What about Lady Azele? I thought you liked her?" Leon questioned, his confusion evident.

"Well, I did agree to cancel your engagement with her because of this magical item. But more than that, I saw her desperation to end it. I like her, and I couldn't bear to force a pitiful child into marriage, especially when she's in such pain. You know what she's been through all these years. And why are you reacting like this? I thought you wanted to end your engagement with her a long time ago?"

"I... I don't know, father." Leon struggled to find an explanation for his emotions.

Is it guilt that makes me hesitate? But why am I reluctant to break off our engagement?

"My son, I've known about what you did to Lady Azele a long time ago. She suffered greatly because of you. Why don't we release her? You've hurt her too much. It's your fault that she wants to end the engagement."

A whirlwind of complex emotions stirred within Leon's heart at his father's words.

That's true, I have hurt Azele profoundly. I'm the reason for her pain. Why should I force her into a marriage she doesn't want?

"I understand, father. Let us cancel the engagement," Leon said, his voice finally steady.

"You know, my son, we must handle women with care. They are delicate, and if you shatter a woman's heart, you must face the consequences. The wrath of women can be terrifying. I remember when I courted your mother; I once broke her fragile heart. She became so formidable and ignored me for two months. For two months, she refused to acknowledge me. I did everything in my power to mend her broken heart. It was a challenging and lengthy journey, but I did my best to soothe her. And look where we are now—she's my wife and my queen. My son..." The king walked toward Leon and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know what you truly feel for Lady Azele—whether it's guilt or genuine affection. You'll discover it once you stop giving up on her. I'll give you two months, my son. Two months to win Lady Azele's heart. If you have genuine feelings for her, make her fall in love with you. I'll give you this time. If you fail, then we'll have no choice but to cancel the engagement." The king smiled at his bewildered son.

Love? Feelings? Do I truly love her?

Am I in love with her, or is it just guilt?

Prince Leon was entangled in his own emotions, utterly bewildered.

'I must unravel the truth within my heart,' he thought.

"Thank you, Father, for giving me this opportunity," the Prince excused himself after their discussion about Azele's circumstances, outlining what he needed to do and avoid while with Lady Azele.

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