Care for Yourself More, Ok?

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*Picture, the void*

Darkness surrounds me.

It's funny to think that this was once where I came from, where we all come from—me, trees, birds, fish, blue sky, leaves, to even the quiet suburbs to the busy city.

We came from nothing, and we will come back to it, but that doesn't mean the end. Maybe we are reborn into something different—a rock or maybe a bug. But we'll become something new and explore new worlds, who knows we transcend to?

The feeling of darkness is the same as when it took me from my old life. Walking, talking, everything felt the same but strangely I don't know what to feel.

Should I feel angry because I'm back here again, happy that I made a choice without anyone's permission,
or sad because I couldn't leave to see more.

I don't know what to feel.

I feel fulfilled yet... I feel hollow inside as if I am missing a piece of myself somewhere that I can't find.

Well like it matters anymore.

*Picture, Jak in the darkness*

I...I want to sleep now...


*RING! * *RING! *

*RING! * *RING! *


*RING! *

UGH! I slowly turn my head to the source of the noise, it was my phone, grabbing it to turn off the alarm, I check to see what time it was.

September 25th.

*yawn* Do I even have school?

I force myself out of my bed, shower, dress, and grab my phone and headed down into the kitchen where it was lovely yellow-orange afternoon hue coming from the window. The window showed a hillside with a tree on top, losing its leaves.

In the kitchen I see my sister cooking, the whole room smelled wonderful.

*Picture, Jak's sister (who is grayed out) cooking something*

She notice me walking down and spoke out, "Yo J, I made some food come down and eat"

"Okay", I replied as I grab a plate of food and sat down.

"J, we have a lot to do"

"What is it?"

"After your done eating, we need to get your drivers license"

"Why? I don't need it"

"Yes you do J, I will be out and you will have no one to drive you"

"Ugh, I guess"

I started to eat, it tasted good, while I was eating, sister look at me with concern, she speaks, "J, you need to work for yourself"

"Hm? Why do you say that?"

"You either do nothing at all or do things that don't help you; you never care for yourself at all! In fact, just recently, you didn't study for a quiz, and I had to help you study it ten minutes before."

"That was a one-time thing! I promise that I won't do that."

"Oh really? Another time you were being picked on by your peers."

"It was fine; I took it... well."

"Well, I didn't. Good thing you have a big sister like me, right? I put them in place, and they never bother you again, right?" she smiles.

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