Worrying Can Only Get You So Far

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*Picture, seeing in someone else's view*

I had a dream.

In this dream, a little girl was talking, but not to me, she talked as if she were describing her life as if she were in a documentary about her. She had chocolate brown hair with naturally dyed tips, beige skin, and brown eyes. She was playing with her friends under a tree in my family's mansion, telling her life.

"My life is great! I had many friends and a mansion. It is a really big house that I called home."

The mansion she lived in was beautiful; the design was Renaissance-like architecture, with its domed roof, arched windows, and intricate frescoes. Each room was filled with priceless artwork, antiques, and books that reflected the family's history as a prominent warrior line.

The owner of this beautiful mansion was the girl's father, a noble who had close connections with the high princes and the king, along with other high-ranking nobles. It's safe to say he's nothing to mess with.

The mansion also had an on-site training camp exclusively for high-ranking knights, nobles, and family members. In a way, it was a private academy, only for the rich and famous.

The family is known for breeding powerful knights and warriors, making the kingdom as powerful as ever. Therefore, most wouldn't dare to go against them.

The girl continues, "It was a great mansion; it had all the things you ever wanted: a personal chef, maids, butlers, and exotic animals." She ran around the place as if giving a tour.

"My family is a family of warriors; every family member was powerful, and some made names for themselves, like my uncle. I call him Uncle Teddy Bear because he's big and fluffy like a teddy bear, but others call him Bear because he was brave and powerful."

The girl smiles, "Some say he had courage as valuable as gold and could stand even the harshest things!" The little girl was standing proudly as if she had those accomplishments.

*Picture, a wall with all the fancy decorations of the family*

"But Uncle was always sick in bed, the staff and doctors couldn't help him," she mumbled in a sad tone. "Mommy and Daddy also had names for themselves, but nothing as cool as Uncle." She has a favorite: "I want to make Uncle proud and become the greatest warrior ever!"



Ugh... what is it?

I was woken by something outside of my campsite, being half asleep I thought it was part of my dream. I tried to back to sleep, but the noise kept persisting.


*rustle*  *rustle*

Huh?... is someone outside?

Annoyed by this, I slowly got up from my bed and approached the entrance of my tent, still half asleep. It seemed whoever it was was looking for something. I lean closer to better hear the situation from the outside.

What animal is causing this noise?

*rustle* *rustle*

*rustle* *Unintelligible speech*

It was the figure from yesterday it was outside, checking my campsite.

Is this fucker is looting my shit?!

Now fully awake, I tried to listen in, but I couldn't understand anything. Who knew listening to a foreign language would be so difficult?

How could I understand him... Oh yeah!

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