Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


I sighed into Mizail's chest as we sat holding each other. We had made no attempt to move as neither one of us wanted to.

"I thought I almost lost you." He mumbled into my hair while slowly pulling away to look down at me. There was so much pain on his face that I felt like I was going to cry. "I didn't know what happened to you after the calls stopped so I went out to find you. I hadn't expected Vutur to move you so far away from the rest of the warriors. When I had almost given up, that's when I saw your flames though they were a different color. I can still hear your screams." He closed his eyes while taking a few deep breaths as I gently stroked his cheek.

"Will you tell me what happened next?" I softly inquired as he held my hand before turning and kissing it. He didn't open his eyes again as he continued.

"Inzeh and his mate, Yareli, were in the desert as well as me and Kaisen. By the time we got to you, Vutur was on the ground missing quite a bit of scales on the front of him and your screaming filled the air. You were standing in the same spot, holding your head and screaming while encased in flames. Yareli told us not to touch you while she and Inzeh put you out. After that, she instructed me to get you and bring you back here to her clinic. You've been asleep for two moons." He sighed while slowly opening his eyes to gaze at me. They were still their golden hue but were also slightly red with unshed tears.

"Come here, Mizail." I pulled him into my arms as he held me tight, his face buried back into my hair. "I'm sorry I scared you. I should’ve come back with you."

"No," He mumbled into my hair while softly shaking his head. "You had to show Vutur who you truly are." He explained as I picked up on the changes. Besides answering Yareli’s question, Mizail never called Vutur his lorno ever again. "I'm crushed between being proud of you and being scared for you. That could have ended badly if it weren't for Yareli and Inzeh's intervention." His sniffles filled the quietness between us as I nodded. We stayed wrapped up in each other's embrace for a little longer before Mizail laid us down on the bed. "I love you, Nuri." He confessed as I laid my head on his chest. So, that wasn't a dream? I really did hear him say he loved me in my sleep.

"I've never been in love before." I confessed while running my hand along his chest. "But, when I'm with you, my heart starts beating fast and I become happy to be around you. If that's not love, I don't know what else it is." I quietly laughed while his hand came up to intertwine with my own. I could feel the warmth covering my entire face as I finally looked up at him. "I love you, Mizail." It felt like a weight had rolled off my shoulders as he smiled at me. "I love you so much." I sighed while kissing him as he ran his fingers through my hair. As we pulled away, I sighed while laying my head back on his chest.

"Is it okay if I tell you about my older brother?" He asked, his voice piercing the silence with a slight heaviness to it. Without hesitation, I nodded as he took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. "Calix was my lorna's first son and because of that, he took on the role of my protector. Nobody told him to but he made it his mission to make sure I had a happy childhood just like he wished he did. From the time Calix could walk, Vutur was on him about being a leader. He didn't have time to make friends or go out. So, when he was an adoloscent, both of us went out during the night and picked a perfect spot to make his home. It was small and it took us a while to even make one room and a bathroom, but we had fun doing it." He softly laughed at the memory while his hand slid up and down my waist. "So, when he died, it felt like a piece of me died as well." Silence fell around us as his hand stilled on my waist while I played with his fingers, carefully tracing his talons. They were growing back at impeccable speed.

"What happened to him?" I asked after a while as Mizail's breathing became weird. Looking up at him, I was surprised to see him crying.

"I'm sorry, my heart. I shouldn't let you see this side of me. It's not how I wanted you to see me." He said between crying as I sat up and pulled him into my arms. "It's not manly."

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