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Sam's pov

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Displayed out in front of me was something that made me want to scream and throw everything I owned at a brick wall.

There, right in the palm of my hand, was a picture of Colby and Raeanne kissing.

I wanted to kill them both.

Ben already gave me shit for taking Raeanne out in public, let alone kissing one of the most important people in the LA crime world.

He should know better. Even if Raeanne initiated it, he should have fucking known better.

I pressed Colby's contact button on my phone, bringing it to my ear as it rang.

"Hey man," Colby answered after the second ring, "What's up?"

"Can you swing by my office real quick?" I tried my best to keep my voice monotone, but Colby could clearly hear the anger in my tone.

"Is everything alright?" Colby asked, sounding mildly concerned.

"Just come over," I said, dodging his question, "I have to talk to you about something,"

"I'm walking over now," Colby said before I hung up the phone.

I stood up, carefully walking around the front of my desk and leaning my hips against it.

I watched the door intently, waiting only a couple of seconds before Colby came in.

"Hey," He greeted, swinging the door shut behind him, "What do you need?"

He hardly got his sentence out before I stormed up to him, shoving him in the chest.

Since Colby wasn't expecting it, he took a couple of steps back.

"What the fuck is your problem man?" I demanded.

"Keep your hands off me, Sam," Colby growled, pushing me away from him.

"Oh, I can't lay a goddamn hand on you but my sister can?" I asked, throwing my arms in the air.

"What are you talking about?" Colby asked, looking at me with a confused expression.

"Don't play dumb with me, Colby," I said, shoving my phone in his face, "You can't do that shit. You can't kiss my sister,"

"She kissed me," He defended himself calmly as he studied the picture, "I would never do that to you,"

"It's too late for that," I said angrily, "This is all over social media. Colby Brock kissing some mystery girl," I read the headline to him.

"You thought it was bad when my brother came after us the first time? Imagine how bad it will be now," I said, "You literally run this fucking place. I shouldn't have to tell you these things,"

"She has feelings for me," Colby sighed, scrubbing his forehead, "And I don't want to make her angry because we have to go to these damn banquets with her,"

"You can't catch feelings for her," I said, calming down enough to sit back down in my seat, "She's ten years younger than you, that's messed up,"

"I know, Sam," Colby said before confessing, "I don't know what to do,"

"You gotta figure your shit out. I don't want to ever open my phone to see you two kissing ever again," I said sternly.

I felt like a father reprimanding a son, and in this situation I didn't really care.

I don't know why he thought it was okay for him to kiss my sister, but that is completely unacceptable.

But Raeanne has feelings too, and she obviously cares for Colby.

"But I don't want you breaking her heart, either," I said, causing Colby's head to perk up in confusion.

"What?" He asked, squinting his eyes at me, "What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, but you can't hurt her feelings," I said, "I know her, she's my sister. Once you hurt her you're written off,"

I watched Colby intently as he sat in thought.

"Am I supposed to fake date her?" He asked, sitting down in the chair on the other side of my desk, "Is that what you're suggesting?"

"I don't want you having feelings for my sister," I instructed, "Ever. It's not going to happen. I'll kill you,"

We sat in silence, staring at each other.

I've known Colby for years, and just one look at his face was enough for me to know that he was lost.

It was purely an accident that was now out of control.

"Fake date her," I said, "I don't want you catching feelings for her. But I don't want you hurting her either,"

"So what does that mean?" Colby asked, rubbing his chin as he stared past me.

"I don't know. Go love someone else," I said with a shrug, "Go meet someone at a bar or some place. As long as Raeanne isn't your love interest, I don't care who it is,"

"I can do that?" He asked, leaning forward in his chair with interest.

"You have someone in mind?" I asked, very surprised that he was so intrigued with the idea.

"Don't worry about it," Colby said with a smirk, leaning back in his chair, "I just have a lot on my mind,"

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah," Colby said, repeating himself to overly assure me. "I'm okay,"

No matter what, my top priorities are Colby and Raeanne.

And sometimes I have to make slight sacrifices to keep them both happy.

Colby understands that more.

Which is why Raeanne is who I have to walk on eggshells around now.

Until Colby fucks up.

That won't happen though, because I will literally kill him.

Things could get very messy very easily now, and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that Colby and I's secret remains ours.

This is different from normal gang matters, this is Raeanne's, my sweet baby sister's, life.

I could ruin love for her. Colby could ruin love for her.

Love fucks you up.

Love is everything and nothing all at once.

I stare at Colby and realize that we hold Raeanne's love in the palm of our hands.

She has nobody.

But she has us.

One of her brothers and his best friend.

The two most genuine people she's ever met.

Until the curtain rises and she realizes that we're not as genuine as she thought.

We are just really good actors.

And she's fallen for this game too easily.

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