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Raeanne's pov

"Come on," Colby said, urging me past Nate and down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked, glancing over at him as he walked to who knows where.

"Shut up," He snapped, "You're coming with me to be seen, not heard. Not a word unless I'm talking to you,"

I nodded, sucking my lipstick coated lips into my mouth.

Tonight was going to be rough.

All I wanted to do was wear a pretty dress and sip fake alcohol with fake people.

I don't think I'm going to get to do that now.

I mean, the dress isn't ugly but Colby's personality is.

I wish Sam would have just left me in my room.

I didn't want to be his loser friend's date.

This would not happen again, I was promising myself that now.

I recognized the hallway that led to an elevator, which meant we were leaving.

This base was underneath a parking garage that only people in the gang had access to.

I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes as Colby and I stood awkwardly in the elevator.

He pressed the button to take us to the floor level, before looking at me and scoffing.

"If this is how you're gonna act all night then I'm taking you home," He said sternly, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Good. I don't want to be here anyway," I said to him, "I don't like you and I don't want to be on a stupid date with you,"

"This isn't a goddamn date, Raeanne. It's business," Colby said harshly, "I don't know why you think everything revolves around you but it doesn't,"

"I never said that it did," I pointed out quietly.

"I can see it on your face," Colby remarked as the elevator doors slid open. 

I sighed, keeping silent as I followed Colby to his car.

It was a black little thing with tinted windows.

Most likely they were bulletproof.  If they weren't then it would be so dumb to own it.

Especially in a job like this.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said after Colby pulled out of the parking garage.

"You already did," He said dully, leaning his elbow on the door as he drove with the other.

"Okay. Well," I said, folding my hands in my lap, "What is the purpose of this banquet?"

"Question time over," Colby said suddenly, flicking on the music and turning it up really high.

"Bro!" I shouted over the music, reaching over and twisting the knob to turn it down.

"I'm not your bro," Colby said, glaring at me before focusing on the road, "Your life is literally in my hands. You're making it very hard for me to want to keep you alive if shit hits the fan here,"

"This is dangerous?" I asked with a horrified gasp.

"Oh, don't act like you don't know these damn things are dangerous," Colby sneered.

"Let me out," I said, playing with the buttons on the door until I found the button to unlock the door, "I don't want to do this anymore,"

"Are you fucking stupid?" Colby shouted, leaning over in front of me and yanking the door shut.

He began swerving all over the road as he did this, causing me to scream.

"You could have gotten us killed!" He yelled as he regained control of the car, "You're freaking out about being somewhere dangerous and then you tried opening the car door on the highway! Are you that fucking stupid?"

I crossed my arms, throwing myself back into the seat and letting my head fall against the headrest.

"Don't you dare start fucking crying," Colby said as I sniffled, "You literally brought this upon yourself,"

"I want to go home," I said, squinting to try and keep the tears from coming out of my eyes and possibly ruin my makeup.

"I don't give a flying fuck what you want," Colby snapped, focusing more intently on the road, "This isn't about you,"

"Then who is it about? Please, enlighten me," I asked, patting gently underneath my eyes with my fingertips.

"That's none of your concern," Colby said as I shook my head and spoke up again. "Clearly it is or else I wouldn't be here,"

"Stop talking," Colby instructed, making us both fall silent for the rest of the car ride.

He didn't say anything else until we pulled up to a mansion almost as nice as mine.

"Let's go over some ground rules," Colby said as he put the car in park and turned to face me, "Look at me,"

I did as he said, leaning forward in my seat so I could turn to look at him.

His blue eyes were unreadable, years of skill making his eyes appear dull.

But it was a calculated move.

He was smart, and good at what he does in the crime world.

As a human being, he was awful.

"No talking unless it's to me, Sam or Jake," He instructed, and I got the hint that he liked being in charge.

"Stay with me the entire time. Pretend like you like me," Colby said in a suggestive manner.

It wasn't really a suggestion. It was a command.

"Look happy to be here," He said, "The sooner we get in there, the sooner we leave,"

And with that, Colby opened the car door.

I didn't know if I was supposed to get out on my own, so I waited until Colby walked around the car to open the door for me.

I got out of the car, and let out a yelp of surprise as Colby wrapped his hand around my waist.

"What the heck are you doing?" I asked, muttering into Colby's ear.

"Just go with it," He growled in my ear, making butterflies swarm my stomach.

They weren't good butterflies. They were unleashed because I was scared and uncertain.

If something was to go wrong I could die.

I didn't know how important this banquet was, but it definitely made it ten times scarier when we walked in to see the place crowded with very important looking people.

It was even worse whenever we'd shove past them, causing them to look at us.

I felt like ten thousand eyes were watching me, and I wanted to do nothing besides crawl into a hole and die.

"Ah, Mister Brock," I didn't recognize the man shaking Colby's free hand, "A pleasure to see you,"

"Mr. Johnson, likewise," Colby gave this man a charming grin.

This guy was on the older side, maybe in his late forties.

"Who's the pretty lady?" The man asked, looking me up and down with his beady green eyes, "This your girl?"

"Who she is does not concern you," Colby snapped, his smile gone in an instant.

Mr. Johnson raised his hands in defense, "Relax, Brock. I'm just wondering where Miss Anastasia has been. She's been adored by so many of our friends here,"

By the way Mr. Johnson waved around the room and Colby's eyes followed, I could guess that these guys weren't all friends like what was being implied.

"Like I said, it's none of your business. Excuse me," Colby said, slipping past Mr. Johnson to where Jake and Sam were sitting at a rounded table, sipping champagne.

This was not worth the pretty dress.

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