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Margaret's pov

Nate and I were watching a movie in my bed, laughing as we threw popcorn in each other's mouths.

"Hold on," Nate laughed as I threw another popcorn piece at him, "My phone is ringing. Hello?" He said, answering the phone.

I grabbed the remote, turning down the volume on the TV as I watched Nate's demeanor shift.

"You aren't gonna go find him?" Nate asked, scrunching his face up in confusion, "You want me to go?"

I pointed to me excitedly, begging for me to tag onto wherever Nate was supposed to go.

"Can Margaret come?" Nate asked hesitantly into the phone, and whatever the response was he gave me a thumbs up, "We'll find him, Jake. Okay? Bye now,"

Nate hung up the phone, throwing it into his pocket as he got off the bed, "Who was that?" I asked, flicking off the TV.

"Jake," He said, "We gotta go to the banquet and find Colby,"

"Where is everyone else?" I asked as Nate turned off the lamp and led the way out of my room.

"I guess they all left, I don't know," Nate shrugged, grabbing his keys off of the counter as we left the infirmary.

"So why don't we just call him and find him?" I asked, ignoring the few people we passed as we made our way to the elevator.

"The cops are looking specifically for him I think," Nate explained, "This event was mixed with gang members and then just regular people, and most likely they all freaked out because someone fired a gun,"

"Interesting," I said as Nate pressed the call button for the elevator.

It was so entertaining to see a ton of people freaking out over a gun.

They all get afraid and run, but if there's hundreds of people and only one gun, then most likely you won't get shot.

But hey, I'm not afraid of someone with a gun so maybe not everyone thinks the same.

"So how are we supposed to find him?" I asked as Nate and I took the elevator up to the parking garage.

"We'll probably have to split up," Nate said, "He could be anywhere. And as far as I know he doesn't have a car and this place is downtown,"

"Oh god," I said as we got in Nate's car.

Unlike the other gang vehicles, this one was basic with no bulletproof shit or anything.

That's because it was my personal vehicle that I've had since I was 20.

He began driving towards where Colby could be, and I played with the many rings on my hands.

"What's the plan?" I asked again, glancing over at Nate as we got off the highway.

"I'm thinking I'll wait with the car at the banquet hall," Nate said, rubbing his chin while steering with his other hand. "If you just want to go downtown and call me when you find him, that'd be great,"

"How am I supposed to know where he is?" I asked, looking out the window as the town came into view.

It was a small town, a nice, lowkey location to have gang banquets and other things of that nature.

"My guess is that if the cops were after me I would try to keep a low profile somewhere," Nate guessed as he pulled into a parking lot that was in front of a really nice building.

There were people everywhere, even a couple of patrol cars with officers trying to get information from people.

"Alright," Nate said as he parked the car, "Good luck, don't get caught,"

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