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Kim and Jeon spent the night peacefully.
In morning,Kim woke up first and admiring his husband.

He think about how he loved him from childhood and acted (fainted) for talk to him. He smiling at his acts. He didn't expect that Jeon will love him and also marry him.

He think that he will take care of his husband and never leave him,hurt him. He kissed his forehead. His eyes became teary cause of the happyness.

Jeon slowly opened his eyes.He saw his husband first and blushing. But Kim hugged him . Jeon also back hugged him. Kim pecked his shoulder. Kim asked if he slept well.

Jeon replied that he is tired. Kim smirking and proud of his act previous night. Jeon asked that what he will do if he didn't saw him again. Kim said that he will search him and also he believe his love.

Jeon feel blessed. Kim went bathroom to fresh up. And in dining table,Jeon preparing breakfast for him and his husband. But after 10 minutes, someone hold his hips and kissing his neck.

He knew that is his husband. He didn't bothered .Kim turned him and place his hand on his cheeks and coming closer to kiss.

But suddenly Jeon resisted him and moved from him. Kim got irritated by his husband's act so he turned and he noticed that his mom was coming.

And his mom asked Kim that what he was doing here. He said 'Nothing ,I 'm just came here for make breakfast '.

His mom said ' Oh, really, I didn't see you in kitchen for past 20 years'.

Kim escaped from there. She asked Jeon that did he knew how to cook. He replied that he knew to make some dishes only. She asked him that where his parents are living. He replied that they are living in USA.

She asked why he didn't called his parents for their marriage. Jeon said that he called but they didn't attended and also he said that they didn't care about him.

Maid came from store and said not to cook . Jeon asked why. She said that she'll do. Jeon asked that she would bought banana milk and strawberry. Maid replied that she bought.

And everyone eating breakfast. While eating Maid asked Kim that why he is happy very much today. He said 'Me? Nothing,I'm normal ' while blushing. Kim's mom is happy cause she want his son to be happy like this forever.

She remembered that how he was talk to her formally so she became sad. Jeon noticed her face and asked what is the reason of her sadness. She said that she is happy.

Kim got ready for his work but his mom told him not to go to work for atleast 1 week. He said that he have to do a surgery today. He went hastily. Jeon didn't said anything cause he knew that his husband 's work is important.

And Jeon asked the permission to Kim's mom cause he have to go to MATHEW. Kim's mom asked that why he and his husband gives important to their work than their husbands.

Jeon said that he have the bending work to do so. Kim's mom asked him to come to STAGE. He said that he didn't knew anything about game design.

She said that if he is here then he'll become boring . So she is inviting him to come.
And she remembered that Jeon have to rest cause she heard that he said to Kim that he is tired.

So she said that it's okay to him. He became shocked by sudden change. At8 pm, everyone in home except Kim. Kim's dad and Jeon watching cricket. They both interacted . Kim's mom calling them to the dining table.

Jeon said that he is not hungry cause he is going to wait for Kim and afterwards he will eat with him. Kim's dad said that he already ate .Kim's mom scolding both for not coming to eat.

And Kim 's mom ate and went to sleep but Kim's dad and Jeon watching movies.
Jeon said that he want to see horror but Kim's dad said that he want to see adventurous movie.

And afterwards they played stone , paper and scissors. Kim's dad won.

At 11 pm, Kim not yet came . Kim's dad slept while watching movie. Jeon felt sleepy but he is trying not to sleep. Kim came from hospital.

He saw that his dad and Jeon is sleeping in sofa. He lifted him and went to their room .
Kim went to bathroom and freshen up. Jeon woke and realised that he is slept.

And Kim came from bathroom. Jeon asked him why he came lately . He said that he had a work so. Kim asked Jeon that he ate.
He said that he didn't.

Kim asked why. He said that he want to eat with his husband. And Kim went kitchen and took food for both of them.

I know that this chapter is boring....

Next chapter will be better than this...>⁠.⁠<


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