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(Lorenzo POV)

It's been two days since the meeting, the business had been going we'll of course but... I needed to sneak into her office....

It was late, everyone basically had left the office, I watched as she was the last to leave the office. I watched the numbers of the elevator changed, I got up and went into her office, her chair was so comfortable and her office smelt like her.

I turned on the computer and unlocked it, I remembered her password from when she told me, even though I was the CEO their were certain things I couldn't get full access to, I looked into all the money our company had made within a year... 10.1million.... that was a lot I had thought to myself.

I wired 5million into my account just in time.

I exited out of the screen and turned off the computer and started to walk out just to see her coming back as she was going through her bag and mumbling "I must've left it, stupid me".

"Ms. Moon.... back so soon huh" She stopped and looked at me holding her door nob to her office.
"Why were you in my office"
"I just.... missed your smell... I have to admit...I like you a lot." I didn't know what else to say... I just used her to take money from the company.
"Oh! we'll that is good to know" She said sarcastically.
Without thinking I kissed her wrapping my arms around her waist, even though I was pretending, I still felt this tingle when she kissed me back.

I wanted to distract her from the fact she found me leaving her office... it worked.

"I uhm.... need my phone I left it in my office"
"Yeah you uhh do that..."

The next morning

The office had been busy since everyone first came in, everyone were going insane since Indigo filed a complaint telling the CEO... which is me that 5million dollars had gone missing out of the account, obviously I had to announce it to the office and the whole building since the building was connected but just had different floors for different jobs.

"Okay everyone.... if you don't know already i'm Mr. Kane your boss and the new CEO of the whole company, as I told you all we mysteriously lost 5million dollars within our companies account, nobody's pay is going to be cut short so please don't worry but that now just means we all have to work harder to get that 5million back and much more, any questions" I tried to sound as professional as I possibly can.

"No? okay Ms. Moon my office please" That was nerve wracking, see I wasn't lying but I was, I also wasn't telling the full truth, but I didn't care.

She walked into my office as I closed my office blinds for more privacy then shut and locked the door, I kissed her, I couldn't control my myself, yes I used her to get my money but she didn't know that.

She gave me this feeling, a feeling that would have you tossing and turning all night while you stare up at the ceiling.

"How could you do this knowing we lost so much money" She spoke softly.. gentle like a mother teaching their toddler.
"I've been thinking about you... ever since I helped you with your computer darling... you're so hard to just... stay away from".

"That's sweet... but I have to get back to doing my job... I am an important asset in this company"

"Come on darling, just come spend time with me"

"I can't.." I know it was wrong to play with her, but I still did, she was the key to getting my money... I would do whatever it takes to get what I want.

(Indigo POV)

Having someone to kiss feels nice, I know the office was going through a crisis but I still wanted to feel his touch, ever since last night it just felt like my world had shifted, maybe he really like me and enjoy seeing me.

As I started walking out his office three men were walking into his office dressed in black suits just like Lorenzo's. I was curious but didn't think to much of it, maybe it was just some of his other business friends.

A few minutes later he called me back into his office and once again I ran into those men in black suits as they were leaving his office I was going in.

"Who were they"
"No one darling just a few business friends"
"Oh... figured"
"Yeah... hey do you want to come to my apartment tonight"
"Huh" If question startled me since no one had ever asked me something like that before.
"I don't think I can, I have to finish up work"
"That's fine darling  just bring your laptop, I need you around me" He stood up then walked closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Uhm... okay..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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