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"Bitch you're lying"
"No i'm serious he called me darling"
"What did you say?"
"Obviously nothing, he just fixed my computer said bye then left"
"You lucky bitch, I probably would've dropped my panties"
"Ew you're nasty" We shared a laugh.

It was late, it was maybe one in the morning, Ivy and I were up late watching a movie in our living room apartment talking about our day, we decided to have a girls night since we won't be able to as much as we use to due to our work schedules and hours.

"Okay but how does he look?"

"He has a short cut beard, a mustache like a really light and settle one... uhh blonde fluffy ish hair?.... he is white or maybe Italian I thought I heard his accent come out... and he has tattoos his suit covers all of them but  I saw some on his fingers so I assume he has more"

"Maybe you got to find out" Ivy laughed

"You're disgusting and disturbing, have I told you that" I said jokingly as we both laughed.

A few minutes went by, I got a call on my phone from some random number, I didn't answer it because I don't answer random numbers,but  it didn't stop calling... so I finally answered after the fourth time of the number calling me, I put the phone to my ear and...

"The hell do you wan-"
"Hey darling..." His voice was deep.... and raspy as if they just had woken up.
"This is Lorenzo... you know... your boss... anyways I need you tomorrow.... i'm going to a meeting that has a lot to do with numbers...understand?"
"Mhm..." I was dumbfounded this man just randomly called me at damn near two in the morning.
"Mmm... the car ride to the meeting is an hour away... be ready" Then hung up, how the hell you hang up on me!

"Who was it" Ivy asked.
"Uhh my dumbass boss"
"Looks like he has your number now"
"Okay and?"
"Just saying" Ivy gave me that look.

The next morning

I got out my car and getting into the other one that Lorenzo had told me to get into, when I got into the backseat Lorenzo had this look on his face like he was irritated or something had stunk.

"Ms. Moon..." The hell was his problem I did absolutely nothing to him.

The car started moving which meant the time had started, I mentally prepared myself for the hour car ride.

"Ms. Moon"
"How are you doing darling" I coughed, Why is this man being so weird calling me that.
"I'm fine..." It was still early so I took out the breakfast I got from Mcdonald's and started eating, I couldn't talk about number while i'm pissed off because I didn't eat yet.

"Mmm..." I looked over at him to see him adjusting himself in his seat, I had to admit... this man was fine as shit especially in his all black suit...

I kept eating, but in a blink of in eye my fork was stolen along with my food, I look over to see he started to MUNCH ON MY FOOD.

"I payed for that"
"You got the money from me"
"Bitch" I whispered underneath my breath.

"Said something Ms.Moon" I look over to see him staring at me with this luring lustful look.

"Alright darling"

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