4|Devil As A Teacher

Start from the beginning

''We will get going'' thank God Stanley saved me from having to explain myself. And as three of us were on our way to the entrance, he stopped me.

''I do not like cockiness, Ms. McAdams. May I remind you I am still your teacher and you don't question my authority'' give me a break.

''I'm well aware, sir'' faking an apologetic face.

''Doesn't seem like it. What is your last class today?'' This won't be good.

''Physics'' I told him. Let the bomb explode.

''You'll wait behind after lesson ends, just because it's too late in the school year for detentions. I don't excuse students uncouth behaviors no matter their levels or who they are, consider yourself lucky'' how am I lucky? You could've given me detention, it would've been better than being stuck with your annoying ass.

''Thank you, sir'' I tried to sound as affirmative as I could. I hurried to catch up with Jade, and thankfully she was just at her locker waiting for me. Her brother was also with her.

''What did he want?'' Stanley beat her to it. And I sensed he wasn't fond of him. There might be a bit of history behind that, whichever way isn't any of my business.

"According to him, I was lucky not to score detention. I only got to wait after my last class which was his, to receive whatever punishment he would serve me''

''You're so lucky! You get to spend one-on-one with him. Maybe I can also get the same punishment and stay with you?'' she really isn't seriously daydreaming.

''Can you stop fantasizing about him? You don't have to be as shameless as most of the girls here'' finally someone who aligns with me.

She pouted her lips, folded her arms and just glared at her brother. Not wanting to irritate him further, the conversation wasn't over, and I knew she would revisit it when he wasn't around. She'd bring it up in class or during lunch break. Stanley looked frustrated and annoyed - scratch that he was beyond annoyed. Does he have personal issues with Mr. Torres?

''Don't get into any more troubles with him. If you feel he's acting his usual way, just plug your earphones and play music''

As confusing as that sounded, I only nodded, Jade and I were off to our first classes for the day. I had Chemistry; she had Biology - we only had Physics together. Back to being on my own until I met another familiar face ; Chase. He waved me, pointing to an empty spot beside him. I wasted no time in walking to him and taking the spot next to him.

''Can I confess something?''

''Sure. Go on, I won't judge you'' pinky hand in the air.

"I stalked your classes and found out we have a lot of classes together; we even have Homeroom together'' this wasn't creepy at all.

''Are you like a serial killer of some sort?''

''Only for you, Baby'' he blew me air kisses.

''Okay now, calm down boy. Don't move faster than your shadows'' we both laughed.

''I know we're going to be good friends - best friends to put it better''

''Please don't let Ashley hear you, you'll get your ears chopped off''

We had to end our talk just us the biology teacher walked in. She was a middle-aged older woman; Mrs. Gomez as I came to know was her name. She was a pretty great teacher, nothing like the devil I knew. This could be one of my favorite classes, after I've had a feel of the other teachers I was yet to meet.

The day flew by so quickly, and I dreaded going for my last class of the day. At least I didn't have to deal with him Wednesday and Thursday which was the greatest relief I had to keep on going. So as Jade, Chase and I headed for our last class, we took the seats in front, this was because of me convincing them - it wasn't difficult with Jade. She was more than excited, being upfront with the devil.

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