Chapter 33

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When I slowly emerged from my unconscious state, my surroundings shifted into focus, revealing the
white walls of a hospital room.

As a reflex, I instinctively reached down to caress my belly, as doing so brings me comfort and reassures my babies that I am present. However, upon feeling my stomach, I realized there was no baby bump and observed a substantial incision with stitches. It has a striking resemblance to a c-section scar.

A nurse walked in. "Oh, hello! I see you're awake now. I'm nurse Holly."

With tears on my face I asked. "Where's m-my babies?"

The nurse sighed and walked out.

Deep down, an indescribable fear took hold of me, a fear that perhaps my precious babies, the life growing inside me, didn't survive the fall. It was a haunting notion that consumed me, leaving my heart heavy with worry.

As each second ticked by, my mind raced with questions and doubts. What if their tiny, delicate bodies couldn't withstand the impact? The sheer possibility of losing the precious lives I had hoped to bring into the world sent shivers down my spine and chills through my entire being.

Two people came into the room.

"Hello Ms Knowles! I'm Dr Janell. And this here is Ava." The doctor said.

Ava waved at me.

"I don't mean to be rude but where's my babies? Please tell me.." I whined.

Dr Janell took a deep breath. "Sadly, your babies did not survive. Despite our utmost efforts to sustain their heartbeats, their small size posed limitations in our ability to help. The fall caused severe injuries to them, and you also faced a near-fatal situation. You experienced significant internal bleeding, but we swiftly addressed and resolved that issue. Additionally, we are uncertain about your prospects of having children in the future. If it is possible, the pregnancy would carry significant risks."

I was unable to put into words the immense pain I experienced after hearing the devastating news. My only outlet was to cry, as the anger towards Megan continued to intensify. I understood that I couldn't hold her responsible as she was unaware of my pregnancy. I was aware that she would never want to cause harm to my children, but my wounded pride prevented me from wanting any contact with her. This situation has left me destroyed.

Shawn walked in. "Bey..."

"Our babies... they're gone... " I whined.

Shawn sat on the hospital bed with me and hugged me. "I know.. I know. It's gonna be okay.."

"Where's m-megan?" I asked.

"She left." Shawn said.

"Did she say anything before she left? She didn't know what was going on so-"

Shawn cut me off. "She left and didn't say anything. She's irrelevant. Let's focus on you right now."

It is quite painful for me to realize that Megan did not even bother to apologize or communicate through a note or text message when she knew I was in the hospital room.

I called my family and informed them about everything.

"I love you." Shawn told me.

"I love you too.." I mumbled.

After a few days of being in the hospital, I went home. I decided to rid myself of any reminders and donate the baby clothes. It was a difficult decision, but one that felt necessary in order to move forward. The days felt long and monotonous as I stayed in bed, unable to muster the energy to do anything productive. Every movement felt like a monumental task, as if my body had been drained of all its vitality

I frequently experienced excruciating stomach pains that would send me rushing back to the hospital. The pain was debilitating, leaving me incapacitated and desperate for relief. It was a constant reminder of the physical toll that my body had endured, further adding to the emotional burden I was already carrying.

Day after day, I couldn't help but reflect on the bittersweet memories of the baby clothes that once held so much promise. Each tiny garment had been carefully chosen with anticipation and excitement for the arrival of my precious little ones. Now, they served as a painful reminder of the dreams and hopes that had been shattered.

Throughout all of my experiences, Shawn has been by my side as my unwavering support. I cherish him deeply and have no doubts about our engagement—I eagerly anticipate our wedding day. Megan taught me a valuable lesson, but I have moved on from her. It is my sincere wish for both of us to find happiness in life and support each other's journey.... From a far far distance.


(Author: What do you think will happen next?)

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