Chapter 32

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I am currently in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting updates from the doctor regarding Beyoncé's condition. Although I am still under the influence of alcohol and feeling disoriented, I'm making an effort to stay awake as it is crucial for me to find out if Beyoncé is alright.

The thought of her being anything less than fine is deeply unsettling and would definitely affect my mental state. Surprisingly, nobody has asked about the incident, leaving me feeling somewhat nervous. I didn't even push her hard so I don't know what's wrong with her.

I saw a nurse walking by so I approached her. "Hey, is Beyoncé okay?" I asked.

"Beyoncé?" She scrunched her face.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Beyoncé. The lady that was just rushed in here not too long ago.."

"Oh, blonde-ish brown hair?" The nurse questioned.

"Bitch- yes... is she okay?" I asked.

The nurse gave me a condescending look. "Ma'am, it would be advisable for you to find a chair and wait until someone who is inside the room comes out to provide you with information." She said.

"Useless hoe. Get out my face." I said while eyeing her.

With a slight chuckle, she warned, "I'm not willing to lose my job, but you need to be careful about who you're addressing. Don't mess with me, unless you want to end up in the hospital like your friend. So, I suggest you go and take a seat."

"Are you serious?" I scrunched my face.

In no time at all, I can't explain what came over me, but I suddenly slapped her, leading to a brawl between us that was only stopped when security intervened.

The Police arrived and had me seated. I was interrogated about the cause of the fight, and it appeared evident that they observed my speech being impaired. Consequently, they conducted a drug and alcohol test on me.

"Would you like to tell me what lead you to the hospital tonight, ma'am?" The officer asked.

"I attended a party and the reason I find myself in this situation is because I was joking around and pushed my friend, causing her to fall and start bleeding. I didn't apply much force when pushing her, so I'm unsure why she started bleeding. Afterward, I dialed 911 but I currently have no information about her well-being or what might be wrong with her." I explained.

"Well, it will be her decision whether or not she wants to press charges against you once she is able to speak. According to you, you were only playing and didn't have any ill intentions. We understand your perspective, so we will talk to her once she's awake to verify the details and ascertain if they align." The cop explained to me.

"Okay." I mumbled.

I texted my mother to tell her what happened but she didn't respond.

I ended up dozing off for a few hours. Then some man woke me up and scared me.

I jumped up out of my sleep.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I heard him say.

I looked up and it was Shawn. "Mm you." I mumbled.

He laughed. "What did I ever do to you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. Anyways why are you here?" I asked.

"To make sure my fiancé is okay." Shawn said.

"Oh, so you're somewhat married but sneaking around with Beyoncé?" I said and shook my head. "Imagine."

Shawn smile turned into a frown. "Beyoncé is my fiancé." Shawn brushed his shoulder off. "Bars."

I must be drunk still..

I laughed. "You play too much. Beyoncé isn't ya fiancé."

"She is and has been for 2 days." Shawn said with a serious manner. "I thought she would've told you by now."

No fucking way

"I- um well I'm happy for the both of you.. I'm gonna start walking home." I said.

I was filled with anger and confusion as I asked myself, what the hell is going on?! Due to my deep love for her, I decided to leave Jordan but she goes behind my back and gets engaged.. wow.

"Wait before you go..." Shawn said while gently pulling my arm. "What happened? The doctors called me because I'm one of her emergency contacts but they didn't tell me what's going on."

I quickly pulled my arm back from him. "I was drunk, and she forcefully pushed me away as she complained about my tight hug that was causing her pain. In response, I pushed her back, causing her to fall and start bleeding when she stood up and began walking. Now, please step aside so I can go."

Shawn sighed and sat down. "Why would you push her?"

"I didn't intend to cause her harm; I simply reacted to the fact that she pushed me. Besides, I was not in a good state of mind at the time," I explained.


I scrunched my face. "Pregnant? What are you even talking about..?"

"She's 3 months fucking pregnant." Shawn mumbled before sitting back on the chair to calm down.

"Wh-What?" I said in disbelief.

I did notice her wearing less
revealing clothes/ bigger clothes..

"Leave. You should be ashamed of yourself.." Shawn said.

"Tell her I'm sorry please... I-I didn't know. I s-swear I didn't.... " I started crying.

After concluding our conversation, I made the decision to leave and head towards the closest bus stop. Boarding the bus to ride back home, my mind became consumed with an overwhelming train of thoughts. The weight of the guilt that I felt began to intensify, infiltrating every inch of my being. It was undoubtedly the worst feeling that I had experienced in a long time.

What if my actions resulted in the unimaginable, the loss of her baby or even worse, her own life?

All these unspoken secrets felt like a betrayal..

The overwhelming thoughts flooded my mind, to the point where ending my own life seems like an option at this moment.

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