Zuma: Nice one, dude.

(Matthew, Lucas, Grace, Princess and Henry arrive wearing costumes.)

Chase: Hey, you guys came too!

Matthew: Yeah, don't want to miss out on our first Halloween.

Zuma: And you dudes and dudettes have your own costumes as well.

Henry: Yeah! Everyone has their costumes on for Halloween! I dressed up like a spider.

Chase: Ooh.

Rocky: Cool.

Skye: Wow.

Henry: Grace is dressed as a wolf.

Grace: (Howls)

Rubble: Ooh!

Annie: Whoa!

Zuma: Cool!

Henry: Mom's a hydra.

Marshall: Ooh!

Ryder: Awesome!

Annie: Yay!

Henry: Lucas is a lion!

Lucas: (Imitates a lion's roar) Roar!

[All laughing]

Matthew: And I'm dressed as a ninja! (Does ninja moves)

Marshall: Nice ninja moves, Matthew.

Matthew: Thanks. 

(The Dalmatian Squad arrives at the Lookout wearing their costumes. They were wearing just like the Paw Patrol.)

Wallace: Hey, guys! Don't we look great?

Chase: Hey, you're dressed up like us!

Lucky: I know. Wonderful, right? I mean, we do just like you guys do.

(Suddenly, two guests arrived at the Lookout.)

Little Emma: Are you sure that this is the right place?

Angry Luigi Bill: I'm sure this is the right place. I heard that the Paw Patrol lives here.

(They all stare at them confused)

Chase: Uh, who are you guys?

Champ: Are you guys new here at Adventure Bay?

Little Emma: Oh, we came here to see the Paw Patrol. I'm a big fan of theirs.

Chase: You're looking at them.

Angry Luigi Bill: Wait. You are them?

Skye: We sure are!

Little Emma: (Gasps) Oh my god! The Paw Patrol! These pups are so cute and adorable I just want to squeeze them!!!

(Little Emma hugs all the pups squeezing them so hard.)

Marshall: You're crushing us!

(Little Emma lets them go as they breath)

Little Emma: And funny too.

(Soon, Joshie comes in dressed as a magician.)

Rocky: Brother, you're here!

(Rocky runs to Joshie and pounces on him licking him rapidly.)

Joshie: Okay! Okay, Rocky! I'm glad to see you too!

Rolly: Rocky, what do you mean when you called him brother?

Joshie: He's, my brother.

Dalmatian Squad: Brother?!

Angry Luigi Bill & Little Emma: Brother?!

The Dalmatian Squad and The Paw Patrol in Five Nights at Freddy's (OCS Included)Where stories live. Discover now