Chapter Four: The Cupcakes

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"Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend."
- Sarah Dessen


I wasn't expecting our new school to be colorful and bright, but I wasn't expecting it to look the exact opposite. The hallways looked kind of creepy and unsettling. The walls were gray, with dark blue lockers settling against them. The lights were bright, but with the gray walls, it made the hallways a little dark. Students all around us kept bumping into us, looking down at either their schedules or their phrases. Someone even stepped on my shoe twice.

"Well, this place looks welcoming," Elijah drawled once we found a small open space to breathe.

"Didn't know our school was set in a horror movie," Lewis said.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad!" Daisy said. "It's just a little...drab."

"Very monochromatic," Phoebe agreed, staring at the walls.

"Maybe that's a good thing, Phoebe!" I said. "Phoebe, maybe these bare walls could be your creative impact!"

Phoebe perked up at that. "Yeah, maybe."

Olivia cleared her throat. "We should probably try to find out first periods. We don't wanna be late."

"It's the first day of school though," Connor said. "Everyone's gonna be late."

Olivia rolled her eyes and turned to me. "C'mon Amy, let's find our class."

"Right! Let's go!" I turned to the others. "We will see you guys later!"

"Until then, my sweet," Connor whispered wistfully.

"The cupcakes will still be there, quit being dramatic," Lewis said.

"Yeah, that's my job!" Ethan chimed in.

Giggling at my friends' antics, Olivia and I set off down the hallway.

"You are our map!" I said as we walked. "Where to?"

"Hold on," Olivia mumbled. She stopped walking to look at the schedule clearly. " English I, room E15. Right now, we're in the main building, and the English building is to the left of us...come on."

Olivia took my hand and lead me outside. We finally found the English building. It looked the same as the main one- gray, bare walls and somewhat creepy lighting. Hopefully Phoebe might be able to share her creative impact here.

Olivia let go of my hand and we stopped in front of a door. The small sign above it read: E15.

I looked at Olivia. "Ready?"

Olivia shrugged. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

She knocked on the door. A second later, a tall man opened it. He had brown hair, dark rimmed glasses, and a surprised expression, as if he suddenly remembered that he was a teacher. That's when I glanced at the takeout coffee cup in his hands. Oh.

Well, we all have to wake up one way or another.

"Good morning!" I chirped.

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