chapter 18: better again

Start from the beginning

Who did my eldest brother think he was?

That still doesn't give him the rights to peep over my shoulder and to invade my personal privacy. I get up and follow his tall, muscular figure. He then nods to the receptionist as we pass her desk and she gives him a wink back. OOOOHH! I smell love in the air when I see it. She was fairly pretty too. I knew that they would make a cute couple already. I was even imagining their wedding. As we were walking I gently tap Vincent's big arm to get his attention, this man needed to learn his manners.

That didn't work.

I tapped harder until I finally gained his attention, he turns 90 degrees anti-clockwise to face me and stops moving. He's definitely a robot in disguise, probably some AI bot-machine, if I've ever seen one. I gesture for him to lower his posture and I stand on my tippy-toes. I slowly begin to whisper into his ear "Curiosity kills the cat, you know?" I add a slight smirk towards the end of my quote. This was a warning to him for snooping around my business.

He nods back calmly and continues walking in the same direction as before without a change in his emotion.

Does he even show any emotion?

Why didn't he apologise? It was the least he could've done given the certain circumstances. Not to mention it was quite rude of him not to. While my mind was criticising Vincent's recent behaviour, I follow him into a spacious, hospitable-looking room. There was two chairs in front of a white desk with an office-style chair behind it. I assumed that it probably belonged to my new nutritionist.

My eyes wander around the room until they meet a large figure. There I see a tall man. He looked around his early 50s and his light ginger hair was slowly yet surely, approaching a hue of grey. He had bright hazel eyes and many, MANY wrinkles on his forehead.

He smiled at me and Vincent, we obviously returned the gesture and sit down in the nearby modern chairs. Vincent and my new nutritionist exchange a handshake and they both sit right back down.

He took out a clipboard with a paper chart attached onto it. He sat down in the chair opposite us and scooted it a bit closer. He cleared his throat loudly and stated "Good morning Mr and Miss Morales. Am I correct to assume that you have booked in a full-body check up appointment with me today?" I look up at Vincent purely with confusion. He had to have gotten it wrong..

Why did the nutritionist say full-body check up when it was only meant to be a nutrition exam?

Did Vincent lie to me? Why would he do that? Why would he betray my trust like that? He then responds to the nutritionist "Yes Dr.Gibson, a full-body examination for Natasha Morales." He says and directs his gaze to meet my eyes. I hate how I share a last name with that man, it infuriated me. Vincent seemed so calm and collected whilst I on the other hand, was a complete emotional wreck. Dr.Gibson sensed the tension within the air and got up to prepare everything he needed for the examination.

I thought that I could trust Vincent..

I'm pretty sure that Vincent sensed my confusion and uncomfortableness and he said "Nat, I should've told you earlier.. but I knew you wouldn't agree to come. It will be over and done with before you know it sweetheart." He even added a small smile, I've never seen him smile that big before but I think he did that just to reassure me. But how dare he have the nerve to call me SWEETHEART? Especially after what he just pulled off.

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