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I hand her the note she starts crying harder. she starts ripping up the note into tiny pieces every rip she
makes she looks madder she throws it all on the floor and falls to the floor screaming "its going to be
ok sweetheart" ryder tries to calm her rubbing circles on her back "I cant go back, I wont go back! I'll
die before he touches me again. I'd rather slit my own throat. I cant, I cant its not fair why wont he
just leave me alone!"
shes screaming and crying I want to take away her pain I want to find this guy and end him. I know
what he looks like and when I find him im going to wipe that stupid grin off his face I saw so many
years ago. I pick her up and hold her in my arms rocking her back and forth. she's crying into the
crook of my neck, she can stay there as long as she wants I never want to let her go "please don't let
him take me bash not again I cant I just cant" she says softly into my neck. my heart breaks for her im
getting angrier with every tear she sheds.
the door behind me slams shut. I look out the window and see jax heading for his car murder in his
eyes ryder on his tail. shit! I see them both yelling at each other jax pushes ryder and makes a bee line
for his car ryder tackles jax to the ground and fists start flying. winter pulls away from me stands up
and runs to the door "winter stop let them handle it" but she's already out the door stomping towardsthem I run after her shes standing over them with both hands balled into fist as they roll around in the
dirt "STOP!"
everyone freezes the wind picks up and her hair is blowing everywhere the sky gets dark and it
thunders. lightening crashes all around us winters eyes turn so green they're almost glowing "baby I
need you to calm down for me" she's doing this and she doesn't even know it on one hand i'm
terrified of what's about to happen if she doesn't calm down. on the other i'm so proud she's getting
angry and not shutting down "both of you stop this right now" they both slowly get up and raise
their hands in surrender the wind is picking up. branches and debris flying all around us. ryder starts
moving to her slowly
"sweetheart I need you to calm down for me. i'm sorry for upsetting you. I never want you to be
upset with me" she closes her eyes and blows out a breath her fists unclench and her head drops to
her chest ryder keeps walking towards her until he can touch her shoulders she rests her hands on top
of his takes another breath then jumps into his arms. everything stops.
the wind dies down the skies clear and she crying into his chest she looks up to him "i'm sorry ryder
i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. please don't be mad at me" tears are streaming down her face.
how could she think that we would ever be mad at her? she looks terrified that he's going to do
something to her. this package has set her back several steps, that piece of shit will die.

winter episode 2Where stories live. Discover now