Casey X O.B

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Pairing: Casey x O.B
Title: That's not the you I know
Description: The TVA workers decide to find out what their lives were on the Sacred Timeline, but Casey is a bit shocked by what he finds out about himself.


After all the timey wimey wibbly wobbly insanity with the temporal loom, time slipping shenanigans, paradoxes, and time loops inside time loops, the TVA was restored under Loki and Mobius' rule. The timeline was stable, the loom was no longer in jeopardy, and all was well for a certain once forgotten worker down in the basement. And recently, some of the TVA's staff decided they wanted to take a peek at their own files, to see who they were before all this and what kind of life they had once lived.

B-15 went first, turns out she was a nurse in the pediatric ward. She was single, and had a pet cockatiel named Zoe.

Then Mobius bravely gave in and had a peek. He was a single dad named Don, he sold jet skis at a Piranha PowerSports store in Cleveland, Ohio. He had two boys, and his wife had died after a battle with cancer.

Then it was O.B's turn. He was a writer and a physics teacher at Caltech. He wrote a science fiction book called The Zartan Contingent, which just so happened to be in his current office here at the TVA.

But what Casey saw in his file shocked him to his core.

"What did you get, Casey?" O.B asks, looking over at his friend who looked absolutely ill.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. N-nothing at all." Casey stuttered. "How about we check on D-90 and C-20, see if they want to see who they were--"

As Casey stood up, he accidentally dropped his file on the ground. He scrambled to pick it up, but O.B managed to get ahold of part of it.

"Frank Morris?" O.B says.

"You mean the bank robber who escaped Alcatraz?" Mobius asks. Casey was horrified, everyone else had such perfect lives, and he was a criminal. A orphan. A reject. A monster.

A villain.

Casey left as fast as he could, going to his apartment. He slumped on the couch, knees drawn up to his chest. How could he ever hope to be with Orobourus now? Who would want to be with someone like him? He couldn't deny it, he was in love with O.B, he loved him even before he met him. He always kept his handbook with him, more so now that he's met the wonderful man behind those words.

There was a soft knock on the door, but Casey was too afraid to answer it.

"Casey, it's me. Ouroboros. Are you okay? You left kinda suddenly back there, we're all kinds worried about you. Hello?" O.B said from outside. Ouroboros sighed softly and reached under the mat, grabbing the spare key he knew Casey kept there in case he forgot his keys on his desk or something. Casey was momentarily startled when the door opened, but then remembered the existence of his spare key.

"I get it." Casey says softly. "I understand if you guys don't want to be friends with me anymore. I mean, who would want to hang out with a criminal like me?"

"Me." O.B says, sitting down beside Casey on the couch. "Casey, your life from before, that's not who you are now. This place, the TVA, it gave you a chance to redeem yourself, to be a new person. You're not Frank Morris anymore. In fact, to me, you never were. To me, you always have been, and always will be, Casey. I don't care what you did before, no one cares what you did before. They didn't know him, they'll never know him. They know Casey, I know Casey. And you wanna know something? I love Casey."

"I love you, too." Casey says softly, scooting closer to O.B and hesitantly laying his head on his shoulder. O.B took Casey's hand in his, gently stroking his thumb over the younger man's knuckles. "For all time..."



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