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Title: All Love, Pt.1 of 2
Soundtrack: "All Love" by Fletcher
Pairing: Peter Parker x Harry Osborn (TASM universe)


Harry was sat at the bar, drinking his fifth glass of Rum and Coke trying to just forget everything, when Peter walked in with this blonde girl that Harry didn't know.

"Hey, Harry. Great to see you!" Peter says, he and the blonde all smiles. "Harry, this is Gwen Stacy, Gwen, this is my old friend Harry."

Old friend. Is that really all he is to Peter? That's not what Peter is to him...

"How have you been?" Pete asks, taking the seat beside Harry.

"I'm just fine." Harry says, fucking lying. He's not fine, he's fucked up. Harry can't even think of Queens anymore without wanting to die. When they first broke up, Harry thought he might die from the pain that he felt.

"I love you." Peter says to Gwen, and Harry wants to scream. Wants to just run out of the bar and find a hole to die in.

It hurts, but it's all love. He loved Peter. But it seems Peter chose to cope with it by forgetting about the past. So Harry takes another shot, wishing it was novacaine so it would numb his heart and brain. He hates the feeling, but it's all love.

"Hey, nice to see you, man." Peter says, and he kissed Gwen right in front of him. It make Harry want to die, but it's all love. This ache in his chest, this pounding in his head, the guilt and regret, the grief and anguish.

It's all love.

And it sucks...


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