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Had been wanting to do this for a while now, and since people ship Loki with pretty much everyone else in the Marvel Multiverse (including his brother, an underage teenager, and himself 🤮) I figured, hey, why not add the Moonboys to that list? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Steven woke up slowly in the insanely comfortable bed in this small flat, not yet opening his eyes. He wanted to stay here forever, wrapped up in these arms. He never thought that they would trust another God after what Khonshu had put them through, and he certainly never expected to meet one as kind and loving as Loki Laufeyson.

Steven felt Loki's arms tighten around his waist, and Steven snuggled closer into the embrace.

"Morning, my darling." Loki whispered. Loki had figured out fairly quickly how to tell which identity was fronting simply by their body language. Steven was shy and submissive, Jake was more bold and dominating, and Marc was more guarded and even solemn in ways.

"Morning, Love." Steven says softly, rolling over to face Loki, who looked at him with this adoring look that was reserved for him, and him only.

It may have seemed like an odd match, but they fit together with Loki like two puzzle pieces that didn't fit anywhere else. Loki could be more dominating and possessive with Steven, and yet he could also be dominated and protected by Jake, and have it either way with Marc.

"Gods, I wish I could just stay in bed forever." Steven says, burying his face in Loki's neck. Loki chuckled softly, running his fingers through Steven's hair.

"I know, love. But we have to get to work." Loki says quietly. Steven's phone buzzed on the nightstand and he rolled over, groaning when he read the text.

"We have to go in for a briefing at the compound. Bollocks, why did I join the Midnight Sons?" Steven says tiredly with an humorless chuckle.
"Loki, could you just make yourself look like me and go in my place?"

"I think we both have to be there, Steven." Loki says, holding up his own phone with an identical text message on it.

"Bloody hell." Steven grumbled, reluctantly getting out of bed. "Oh, hey. I just remembered, tonight's movie night, and its your turn to pick a movie. What do you want to watch tonight?"

"Well, there's this movie called Smile I've been wanting to watch for a while." Loki says.

"Isn't that a...a scary movie?" Steven says meekly, already going pale as a ghost.

"Aw, don't worry, darling. You know I'd never let anything get you." Loki says warmly, walking over to Steven and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "Come on, now. We have to get dressed, baby."

Later that night, Steven and Loki were curled up on the couch watching Loki's pick for that movie night, Smile.

Loki was having a great time, but Steven wanted to gag just about ten minutes in when Laura Weaver killed herself.

"Bloody hell, this is intense..." Steven says softly, practically hiding behind the blankets.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that was the most gory part of the movie." Loki says comfortingly, taking Steven's hand in his.

As the movie came to a close, Steven and Loki were both in utter shock.
Loki shut off the tv, the only sound their shaky breathing.

"Bloody hell." Steven says in shock. "Bollocks, what was that?"

"That was one intense movie. Holy shit." Loki says. "Don't worry, I won't be able to sleep tonight either, darling."

"I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of our life." Steven says quietly. "Why do you always pick such intense horror movies? Last night it was your turn, we watched Color Out of Space, and I'm still trying to get over that."

"I'm sorry, love. Maybe I can try and pick out some less intense horror movies for us to watch from now on." Loki says softly, kissing Steven's forehead. "I love you, darling."

"We love you too." Steven says softly, snuggling into Loki. "Can I watch a Disney movie now? To recover from all that?"

"Of course, love."


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