Irene looks happy with Rachel and she tries to wear her high heels that match with the dress. "You looks so beautiful, like an angel from heaven, I think Stefan will immediately fall in love with you" whisper Olivia and hugs Irene, she continue "now, you should go now and Chris already take your invitation so you don't have to be worry" Irene hugs back "thank you sister, I'll call you if I already at the premiere"

"hey, I can see you on TV okay, they'll broadcast it on TV"

Rachel and Chris are already at the door waiting for Irene, she walks toward them. They went down to the apartment lobby and Chris guided them to get into the van that Stefan personally had rented just for Irene's transportation back and forth. 

On the way to Stefan's hotel, Irene thought about Olivia's words that she had whispered to her. 'How could Stefan be like that? He might even still be thinking about his last ex,' she said to herself while looking out the car window with a view of the city and they arrived at the Hollywood area. Chris also parked the van behind the hotel because he wanted the paparazzi not to see Irene in her dress first, "Irene I'll park here and we go inside the hotel using their back door, okay? Stefan asked me that before I picked you up." Chris got out of the car and opened the door for Irene. Rachel came out from the other door and quickly helped Irene with her dress. "I don't know how long I will be able to wear these high heels, they are very uncomfortable" Irene complained a little about her heels, "after the party tonight you can wear your sandals again Irene" she just nodded and agreed with Rachel. 

Chris and Rachel were busy helping Irene and they arrived in front of the hotel elevator in a busy atmosphere because all the actors and actresses from this film were in this hotel, then Chris pressed the button to go up to the floor where Stefan was getting ready. They arrived on the floor of Stefan's room and Irene saw lots of people passing by in the hallway. Irene felt nervous seeing so many people in the hallway and she also felt nervous about meeting Stefan because she saw that the actresses she had met looked very beautiful in their dresses. 

Irene felt different from them and made her hands sweat a lot. They walking to Stefan's room and Chris invited Irene and Rachel into Stefan's room. Irene saw many people surrounding Stefan who were closing their eyes because his makeup artist was having his make-up done, but suddenly Chris whispered to Irene to sit down while waiting for Stefan to finish, she sit close to where Stefan was sitting. "Sit here first, wait for him to finish then you can greet him, otherwise he won't focus and will end up being late" Irene, who was confused with his words and she could only answer "o–okay, I'll sit here" Rachel accompanied by her all the time. 

Irene didn't make a sound at all but her eyes were only focused on Stefan who was chatting, joking and smiling a lot, something that Irene rarely saw because every time they met, Stefan gave his poker face or a tiny smile when he with her. While waiting for Stefan, it turned out that an actor came into Stefan's room. The person saw Irene and immediately greeted her, "Oh? Irene, what are you doing here? Hi Rach" Irene looked at the man and it turned out to be Robert, Irene stood up and Robert give her a hug, "Robert, hello. Maybe you can ask your friend why I'm here." Robert, with a confused face, immediately understood, "Oh, are you Stefan's plus one?" Irene nodded but Robert's mouth seemed to be half open looking at Irene "Wow, I've never seen you so beautiful like this, I even thought you were beautiful in a dress when you were filming the music video that time" Robert's praise made Irene's cheeks turn pinkish and Robert leaning closer to Irene, he whisper in her ear "Stefan is very lucky to be your plus one, should I ask him to swap partners?" Irene smile when she heard that they returned to a normal distance,

"Who is your plus one, Robert?"

Robert answer with a sad face "I come here alone, I wanted to invite her but she couldn't come here, she was busy with her internship."

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