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We continue on like this for well over a year, casual at work but seeing each other most nights and weekends. It's just a regular Wednesday afternoon when Jack texts and asks if I'm free tonight. His message sounds urgent, and he states that its extremely important and that we need to talk soon. After reading his message, I really start to worry when I realize that I haven't seen him much today. It's unusual to be this far into the day without seeing him at least once as he usually pokes his head in around lunch if we aren't both preoccupied.

His worried tone in the message has me somewhat on edge because he pretty easy going most of the time and it seems odd for him to be this worked up.  A million scenarios flash through my head about what could be going on but the one that has seemed most logical is that someone at works has found out that we are in a relationship. I wearily reply that I have no plans for the evening and that he could come over around 8 if that's a good time for him. He replies quickly with I'll be there, and I struggle to concentrate on work the rest of the day.

Work is finally over, and the cab ride feels like it will never end. Once I arrive home, I head straight to the sofa and remain there until I receive Jack's text announcing his arrival. Hés waiting out front as I anxiously stalk my way over to buzz him inside the building. Unable to calm nerves as I watch the elevator makes its way up to my floor, I shuffle over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm expecting the worst and to get through whatever is coming I'll definitely need the extra boost of courage. He steps inside and comes straight over to set next to me at the island, but I swish my wine around in the glass to avoid making eye contact. 

"You look beautiful today baby."

I feel strong hands envelope my waist before spinning me around to place a soft kiss on my lips. 

"What did you need to talk to me about?", I ask in a mousy voice.

"We can talk about that later. Let's not ruin the evening just yet."

He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me into a tight embrace as he buries his face in my hair. As nice as it feels, I can't shake the bad feeling that's in the air,

"Jackson, you know I hate surprises."

I pull back and arch my eyebrow at him daring him to keep this charade going any longer. He looks taken aback as this is the first time, I have ever called him anything other than Jack outside of the bedroom. 

"Jackson, you know I hate surprises!"

He looks taken aback. This is the first time I've ever used his full name outside of the bedroom. We set in silence for minutes before he answers.

"The company is sending me to California..."

I set there for a few minutes in complete shock.

"Can't you tell them that you don't want to go?"

"It's not up to me Willow. Its non-negotiable. This is all part of the job baby; we've talked about this."

I completely ignore any mention of it for the rest of the night. We order takeout and shower before landing in bed. After watching tv for a few hours in silence he falls asleep. I lay there the rest of the night sulking and end up crying myself to sleep. The sun comes up and I find myself awake staring at the ceiling. Without waking him I sneak out of bed and head to the kitchen.
I open the curtains and stare out the window at the streets below. Before I've realized an hour has passed and I hear Jack shuffling from the bedroom to the bathroom. I immediately get up and start making breakfast, as not to make things awkward. We set at the bar beside one another and finish our food without a word. I rinse our dishes and place them in the dishwasher. As I pass him to make my way towards the bedroom, he wraps his arms tightly around my waist and pulls me into his lips.

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