Almost Distraction

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I drag through rest of the day at work anxiously awaiting time to go home. I've finished all my work for the week and prepared everything and anything that would or could be needed from me while I'm absent. Its left in a neat pile on my desk where its easily accessible. This way they have absolutely no reason to bug me unless its an emergency. As I leave the office a glimmer of excitement comes over me. I step out of the building, turn around, and blow an imaginary kiss. It feels so good to be free of that place.

On the ride home I decide I'm gonna go out tonight. I'm in such a good mood that staying in would be almost as bad as work at this point. I think I'm gonna have a few drinks at Exchange Place tonight.  I've been working so much lately that I haven't been out in forever. I go ahead and call to schedule my reservation and taxi ahead of time so i make sure that I get in. 

Once I'm home, I shower, put on my sexiest cocktail dress, and do my hair and makeup. My vacation doesn't officially start until Monday but I've been so stressed lately. A casual night on the town is just what i need. It takes almost an hour to get across the bridge and through all the traffic. The city is booming just like every other Friday night. 

I arrive right on time and the server takes me straight up to my seat. It's been so long since I've been here I almost forgot how beautiful this place is. I order a bourbon on the rocks and make my over to an open seat by the railing. The first sip is like ecstacy. I cant believe I've been missing out on this.

I set idly for hours watching boats float by and watching the flames dance in the fireplace. The view from this place at night is literally like something out of a dream. As good as it's been, I realize coI've probably had enough to drink. Its definitely time to start heading home. I reach into my purse to check the time on my phone when I hear a familiar voice  coming from the bar. I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or just utter disbelief but I thought there's no way its who I think it is.

I look up and surely enough there stands Mr. Phoenix with a gorgeous blonde locked arm in arm. He takes his drink and leads her over to a table opposite me on the rooftop. A feeling of pure rage comes over me. There's no way I shouldn't have known better. A man that good looking and wealthy probably has as many women as he wants.

I set watching them for thirty minutes or more. Studying their every move and expression until I cant stand it many longer. I get up and begin to make my way past the bar and towards the elevator. As soon as I get past them something inside me heads me veers away from the exit and straight to their table. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING???

"Jack?? I thought I recognized you from across the way. And who's this lovely young lady?", I spout in my most annoyingly jealous voice. My god I sound just like Ashley. 

They both set there speechless with a bewildered look on their faces.

"I'm Olivia. And you are?", she replies confused.

"I'm a colleague of Jacks'. I'm Willow. Willow Kensington."

"We work CLOSELY together at the same firm."

I make sure to emphasize closely so she knows she has competition. I start spouting incessantly trying to dig my claws in as deep as I can.

"Its so funny to see him here with someone. He has never mentioned a wife or a girlfriend.", I smile widely but not in a happy way.

Jack takes notice of my intention and butts in to asks me to join them for a drink. As much misery as it gives me to see them together the liquid courage running through me wont let me say no.

"Don't mind if I do. Thank you."

I take a seat directly across from him. Legs crossed, claws out, ready to attack. 
As i sat there staring enviously at the both of them I begin regretting my decision immediately. We remain this way talking for an hour or so. Actually they talked and I sat there annoyed, only speaking or nodding when they acknowledged me. When I've had as much as I can take I stand up abruptly and grab my purse.  If I remain here any longer I'm definitely gonna cause a scene.

Better Than TonightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz