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Willow stared out the window into the night sky. She was awake tonight like most nights. The city lights glared back into her blurry eyes, but she couldn't look away. She watched, entranced. 

Cars zooming by; people on the street laughing and shouting below. THIS is one of the reasons she moved here 6 years ago. The City That Never Sleeps! She starts to imagine what she could be doing if it weren't for work and responsibilities in the morning.

Would she be setting in the corner of some jazz speakeasy soaking in the dulcet tones of a could have been Duke and Ella? Or maybe drinking the night away and admiring the skyline on the Hudson at a rooftop cocktail bar. Quickly, she closes the curtain as a last-ditch attempt to rid the desire of wondering out into the street from her mind. She closed them tightly as if they're an impenetrable barrier.

She thinks to herself "thank god for whoever invented those things" and smiles has she crawls into bed.

Sleep at last....

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