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    I roll over and check my phone AGAIN for the millionth time tonight. Giving it a good once over for the imaginary message or interesting post that will give me an excuse to stay up. This is what most nights entail for me. How strange is it that sleep gives me anxiety? Thinking about my anxiety gives me anxiety. GO FIGURE!!

    My brain is so busy most nights that sleep is the farthest thing from my mind.  Maybe I'll try to get some. Or maybe ill stay awake until I'm so tired I can't hold my eyes open anymore whichever comes first. I'm sure I've seen more MTV than the people who created the shows on there. At least someone wants to be awake with me.

    Falling asleep is hard but being awake is even harder. How do I decide? At night the world is so peaceful. No expectations or work. Who knew night time could be so serene!?! Sleep for what a sacrifice! 

Even though I regret It most mornings, I never can drag myself to bed. I've tried everything from exercise to meditation. I've even tried every type of herbal tea they make.

    I make a quick trip over to stare out the window just one more time. As enticing as it looks, I close the curtain. Go to SLEEP. I tell myself over and over as if it's a prayer. After what seems like an eternity I finally drift off.

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