Good Friends

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!!TW/CW: Mentioned Suicide!!

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This time, as they followed Fwhip through the city towards the gates, Scott looked around. The city was prettier when he took the time to take it in. He still hated the colour palette, but the little detail you couldn't notice with just a glance definitely pulled it together.

Fwhip pointed out the oldest building and the newest. He showed them a wishing well, its bottom littered with emerald shards. He let them gawk at the jewellery in a shopfront.

After a while, they made it back to the gates and were on the trek to Fwhips farm.

He pushed open the door. "It's not much, but it works for me. I only really use it to sleep these days."

The house was indeed small, not smaller than Jimmy's, but still small. There was a kitchen, a breakfast nook, a living room, and a few doors leading to what Scott assumed were bedrooms.

"Feel free to sit wherever. I'm going to work on boiling some eggs." He kicked off his grimey shoes, unlaced his elytra, and tossed his goggles haphazardly on the counter.

Jimmy followed suit, hanging his wings by the door. He smiled back at Scott and flopped onto a couch.

Scott scoffed, "Right, yeah. Let me just-" he made an untying motion over his chest where most elytra were worn. He picked his wing up and dangled its second joint over the third hook.

Jimmy and Fwhip laughed.

Scott smiled, rolling his eyes and joining the fish on the couch. Scott made sure to pull his wings as close to his body as he could; he'd hate to break something in someone else's house.

"Fwhip!" Jimmy called, getting the engineer's attention. "Do you have a tall stool, maybe?"

Fwhip stared at the ceiling in thought. "Uhm, maybe? Your best bet would be that room there." He pointed to the door on the left. "There's a bunch of random things in there."

Jimmy nodded, standing to go search.

Without the fish man as a mutual between the two, there was nothing to talk about.

Eventually, Fwhip broke the silence. "Hey, Smajor? I got a question."

"You can call me Scott."

"Right, well. Scott, what is it about him, then?"

Scott tilted his head, watching as Fwhip shredded cheese onto a cutting board.

Fwhip paused in his shredding, glancing up at the elf. "If you have to think about it, then you should just leave him, now."

"No, Fwhip. I don't have to think about it. I just have to figure out which things are easiest for you to understand. Jimmy is just so... Jimmy. Honestly, everything about him is just amazing. I could pick just a few things to tell you about. I mean, in basic fashion, I could say he's kind, he's sweet, he's tall. Jimmy is so much more than that. He's smart and resourceful. He's an incredible ruler. His people consider him a friend. I mean, in the just the two days I've spent in the Codlands, I've not heard a single citizen refer to him as the Codfather or your highness. And it's not because they don't respect them, it's because he respects them just as much as they respect him. They're equals. Jimmy knows how to read me like an open book. Not a lot of people can do that, Fwhip.

"He brought me down from so many panic attacks and he's reassured me when I've felt terrible. He makes me feel so good. I hope I can make him feel that way, too."

Fwhip watched him as he talked. When he'd finished, Fwhip stared a bit longer. He stared until Scott began to fidget uncomfortably. And finally, he shrugged. "Okay. Don't break his heart, or I'll-"

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